994810 | BBPSC01 Limit Items: Javascript Error on Calendar Use |
1041983 | F4 help:Pperformance problem with Oracle 10G |
847427 | Error when you copy template without ship-to address |
987686 | BBPSC01: Notes for Approval Text Area not displayed properly |
623433 | Customer Include could not be determined |
1396572 | RFC sessions remain open during shopping cart creation |
1102835 | Tax code change does not retain in shopping cart |
1224831 | Catalog validation takes a long time for several items |
1259735 | Search help of generic account does not work |
1011875 | Functional area not determined in account assignment |
685805 | Short dump during transfer: BCD_FIELD_OVERFLOW |
625058 | Customer Include could not be determined |
999214 | Tax code not retained on change of product category |
1358377 | Account object descriptions are not displayed in SRM |
1323949 | Chinese characters in attachment filename. |
1159540 | Follow-on Note of Note 1078243 |
1334244 | Some Fields are susceptible to Cross-site scripting. |
1237970 | Cost center description not filled while selecting from F4 |
1099552 | External tax: Material group not passed to tax system |
1546154 | Change all items account assignment causes SC transfer error |
1353124 | Abort error for Limit item with split acc. assign. by value |
952504 | Transfer error: ME 083: "Enter functional area" |
957718 | SE181 error on ordering shop with limit with no account data |
1240215 | Cost center description not changed in Account overview |
856914 | Cost Assignment search returns incorrect description |
767461 | Transfer of ship-to address to back-end system |
1058531 | BBPSC: Cross-site scripting error |
1262922 | Function module BBP_PDH_ACC_GET_DESCRIPTION is slow |
626362 | No error message for incorrect catalog items |
1000184 | Account assignment error when document transfer to back end |
663648 | PO_HEADER_ADD_DATA+BADI BBP_PO_CREATE_BACK Error in backend |
846194 | OCI/OPI: Code pages and system language |
815849 | FAQ: Account assignment system response |