Transaction SAP BBPIV01 - Saisie de facture fournisseurs util.

Notes associées
330401Process code does not exist f. BBPCO01, BBPIV01
884027Tax cannot be calculated
623149Local partners are added twice in the classic scenario
378722Missng entries in BBPIMSCREEN for BBPCF01 & BBPIV02
709716Error in tolerance check for re-selected items
621675Partner update in invoice by default
623457Incorrect entries in BBP_DOCUMENT_TAB
632691Untranslated texts in generated screens
1242591Integration of EBP/SRM for Real Estate Management
214429Tax postings in procurement cards
358276Inv.entry:Termintn for display of acc.assgt details
373675Problems with invoice generation (check list)
171113Problems with CLEANER job; shopping basket status incorrect
600410Generation of the screens for the search results