107507 | Legacy data transf.:AuC (w.line item)&inv.incentive |
23663 | Negative list: Takeover of historical transactions |
693934 | RAALTDBDBR does not transfer any depreciation area data |
631358 | RAALTDBDBR: No target system exists in the IDoc |
550176 | FAQ note legacy data transfer asset master records |
791116 | Generic search help for asset class does not work |
52011 | Error in period determination |
83213 | Incor.deprctn during half periods & shortnd fisc.yr |
70594 | Hidden fields are displayed |
584144 | Expired useful life legacy data trnsfer: Error BAPI1022 004 |
51765 | Takeover of down payments on assets u. construction |
47284 | AA918 alth. business area is not ready for input |
50607 | Depreciation during old assets data takeover |
197919 | Legacy data transf.AuC proport.values not open |
20017 | EAA613: No period determination possible |
523427 | Legacy data transfer termination (RAALTD01) w/ error 00352 |
981222 | FAQ: Time-dependent valuation parameters |
141656 | Negative net book value, neg. APC, below zero depreciation |
29475 | Data trans. cap.inv.meas.asset data from prev.yrs |
83187 | Zerodivide ZXAFAU02, Enhancements Czech,Slovak |
68802 | Legacy data trnsfr: diff.fields n.ready f.input |
533802 | Legacy data transfer: RAALTDBDBR |
2142045 | AS910 migration package |
2009738 | ABAP Dictionary objects for SAP Note 2014219 |
373894 | Collective note: introdctn to prblm solutn in FI-AA |