Transactions SAP

Transaction Description
PC00_M01_RPCBMTD0 Create DEUEV Data Medium for PPO
PC00_M01_RPCBMTD1 Create DEUEV Data Medium for PPO
PC00_M01_RPCBMVD0 Create Notifications for PPO
PC00_M01_RPCBNHD0_I Assign Contribution Statements
PC00_M01_RPCBNHD0_O Create Reporting File
PC00_M01_RPCBNLD0_I Edit Contrib. Statements Receipt
PC00_M01_RPCBNLD0_ID Display Contrib. Statements Receipt
PC00_M01_RPCBNLD0_O Edit Contribution Statements
PC00_M01_RPCBNLD0_OD Display Contribution Statements
PC00_M01_RPCBNVD0_O Create Contribution Statements
PC00_M01_RPCBOHD0 Transfer Notifications to DASBV
PC00_M01_RPCBOLD0 PPO Administrator List
PC00_M01_RPCBOVD0 Create Contribution Collection Not.
PC00_M01_RPCBVBD0 Deduction of Contribution Amt to PPO
PC00_M01_RPCBVLD0 Display PPO Contrib. Collect. Notif.
PC00_M01_RPCD3LD0_ID Display DEUEV Inbound Notifications
PC00_M01_RPCD3LD0_O Edit DEUEV Notifications
PC00_M01_RPCD3LD0_OD Display DEUEV Notifications
PC00_M01_RPCDRHD0 Asst of DEUEV Inbound Notifications
PC00_M01_RPCDRLD0 Administrator List DEUEV Inbox
PC00_M01_RPCDRVD0 Process PI Number Confirmations
PC00_M01_RPCEAHD0 AAG: Create Notification File
PC00_M01_RPCEAHD0_IN AAG: Assign Error Confirmations
PC00_M01_RPCEALD0OUT AAG: Process Notifications
PC00_M01_RPCEALD0_IN AAG: Process Error Confirmations
PC00_M01_RPCEAVD0 AAG: Create Notifications
PC00_M01_RPCSVPD0 Query GKV Communication Server
PC00_M01_RPCZIHD0 ZMV: Assign Inbound Notifications
PC00_M01_RPCZILD0 ZMV: Edit Inbound Notifications
PC00_M01_RPCZIVD0 ZMV: Process Inbound Notifications
PC00_M01_RPCZOBD0 ZMV: Create Balance Notifications
PC00_M01_RPCZOHD0 ZMV: Create Notification File
PC00_M01_RPCZOHD0_KO ZMV: Create Dummy Notification File
PC00_M01_RPCZOLD0 ZMV: Process Notifications
PC00_M01_RPCZOMD0 ZMV: Reminder List Unconf. Start Not
PC00_M01_RPCZOVD0 ZMV: Create Notifications
PC00_M01_RPCZSLD0 ZMV: Display (Inbound) Notifications
PC00_M01_RPCZVBD2 SP Statement of Contributions Paid
PC00_M01_RPCZVDD2 SP Data Medium Creation
PC00_M01_RPCZVDTAD2 Determination of Contributions
PC00_M01_RPCZVDTSD2 Bank Transfer of Contributions
PC00_M01_RPCZVMD2 SP Notification Creation
PC00_M01_RPDZVCD2 SP Customizing Display
PC00_M01_RPLBUZD0 List of Gross Overpayments
PC00_M01_RPLZVMD2 SP Notification Display
PC00_M01_RPUBGDD0 Import AI Master Data Files
PC00_M01_RPUBILD0 List for Non-Assigned PPO Notific.
PC00_M01_RPUBMLD0_IN List Unassigned BV-DEUEV Inb. Notif.
PC00_M01_RPUBNLD0 Contrib. Statements (Not Assigned)
PC00_M01_RPUBNRD0 Audit List SI Contribution Statement
PC00_M01_RPUBRCD0 Customizing: Construction Industry
PC00_M01_RPUD3CD0 Consistency Check of DEUEV Notifs
PC00_M01_RPUD3LD0_I Edit Unassigned DEUEV Inbound Notif.
PC00_M01_RPUEALD0_IN AAG: Process Unass. Error Confirm.
PC00_M01_RPUELLD0_IN List of Unassigned ELENA Inb. Notif.
PC00_M01_RPUSVDD0 Import Company Number File V2
PC00_M01_RPUSVHD0 Settings SI Communication
PC00_M01_RPUSVKD1 SI: Encryption PKCS#7
PC00_M01_RPUSVMD0 SI: Display Certificate Lists
PC00_M01_RPUSVOD0 Import Indiv. SI E-Mails
PC00_M01_RPUTSVD6 ZMV: Display Notification File
PC00_M01_RPUTSVD7 Files for Sending by E-Mail to PPO
PC00_M01_RPUTSVD8 Display E-Mail Ins. Contrib. Stat.
PC00_M01_RPUTSVD9 AAG: Display Notification File
PC00_M01_RPUTSVDA EEL: Display Notification File
PC00_M01_RPUZILD0 ZMV: Edit Unassigned Inbound Notif.
PC00_M01_RPUZVAD2 SP Notification Status/Delete
PC00_M01_RPUZVCD2 SP Data Med. Display and Comparison
PC00_M01_RPUZVDD2 SP Data Medium Administration
PC00_M01_RPUZVMD2 Grouped Data Medium Creation
PC00_M01_RPUZVRD2_IN Import SP Confirmations
PC00_M01_RPUZVSD2_IN Assign SP Confirmations
PC00_M01_RPUZVTD2 SP Data Medium Download
PC00_M01_RPUZVUD2_ID Display SP Confirmations
PC00_M01_RPUZVUD2_IN Administrator List SP Confirmations
PC00_M01_RPUZVVD2_IN Process SP Confirmations
PC00_M01_RPUZVZD2_IN Process Unassigned SP Confirmations
PC00_M01_RZBS Assign Destination to Cons. Site
PC00_M01_SKGO PublicSectorChild Child Pay Stat. 01
PC00_M01_SONSPERIOD Area menu-subseqt activities -other
PC00_M01_SVEO Create benefits payee 01
PC00_M01_TLEA Leave Accrual
PC00_M01_UD3MD0 Distributed Reporting for DEUEV
PC00_M01_UD3SD0_TSBF Occup. Key for Input Help TS 2010
PC00_M01_UD3SD0_TSDE Delete Old OC in Infotype 0020
PC00_M01_UD3SD0_TSFI Fill TS 2010 in Infotype 0020
PC00_M01_UD3SD0_TSVA Prepopulate TS 2010 Input Help
PC00_M01_UDDQD0 Organize Directory DQ from Clstr DP
PC00_M01_UDSLD0_IN Edit Unassigned Immediate Notif.
PC00_M01_UE2AD0 ELStAM: Simulate Inbound Notificatns
PC00_M01_UE2BD0 ELStAM: Auxil. and Analysis Program
PC00_M01_UE2DD0 ELStAM: Fill System and Client
PC00_M01_UE2PD0 Check Employment Tax Features
PC00_M01_UE2TD0 Check ELStAM Data
PC00_M01_UEELD0_IN EEL: Edit Unassigned Inbound Notif.
PC00_M01_UELDD0_OUT Delete ELENA Data
PC00_M01_UELTD0 Display ELENA File
PC00_M01_UKGO PublicSectorChild Transfer to Disk01
PC00_M01_URZB Public Sector Pension Data Medium 01
Lignes 38501 to 38600 de 91333 entrées
1 384 385 386 387 388 914