Transaction SAP OB08 - C FI Gestion table TCURR

Notes associées
887340OB08 authorization defaults
196290Incor.conversn rate after implementing Note 123298
303464No Euro translation in pricing
538416TCURR: Rates with reference currency as "To" currency
368404KB61/KB65: Error message SG105
179215Missing warning message in TCURR maintenance
178128TCURV-XBWRL field as of Release 4.5B
113391Incorrect value and decimal places in V.25
826715MIR4: Cash management and forecast data is not displayed
78329Current settings cannot be maintained
313144Error message: Euro Customizing is not maintained
131369Currency conversion uses incorrect exchange rates
215353V.25 Incorrct values; only JED1 or JED2 is displayd
754825FBV4/FV60: Changed posting date and currency translation
857928TCURMNT: Maintaining exchange rates in a test client
337832No currency change after billing of down payments
133154SIS: Update termination with error M2 802
940414Short dump in exchange rate maintenance
138125Currency translation with and without value date
130629Error message SG105 with currency ' ' (blank)
129160Incorrect exchnge rate used f. currncy translation
465822.2->3.0: error SG105 for exchange rate M w. inv.
77430Customizing: Current settings
1495560Euro Customizing for Estonia per 01.01.2011
961825Customizing for a country joining the Euro Area
1231768Customizing for a country joining the Euro Area (Slovakia)
1035572Customizing for a country joining the Euro Area
791997Currency customizing - Romanian New Leu(RON)
140809Incorrect exchange rate when you apply Note 123298
1064925Currency Changeover Venezuela Currency Customizing
316747Currency translation: Multiple retouring in 3.1I
38881Pricing with different decimal places
731961Adding the "New Turkish Lira" currency code TRY
380358SAPLKIPL: Error message GP455, KP567 or KP568
788154BTE for exchange rates (Table TCURR)
150103Extent and effects of the indirect quotation
693957Fixed exchange rate in purchase order is ignored (I)
1279325VBAK/VBRK - Error when translating exchange rates KONV (II)
153707Currency translation miscalculates by 100, 1000..
783877Currency translation: FAQ
1237684FBCJ - Weighted average calculation for outgoing payments
945988FAQ: Recipe Management