339577 | 2KES: Bal.carryforward in background w/o spool list |
674085 | 2KES Log with profit and loss accounts |
389610 | 2KES: The profit center field is missing in the log |
628179 | 2KES: Dump TABLE_HASH_NO_MEMORY |
808427 | Carryforward trans type for RMVCT not taken into account |
382261 | Missing fields in balance carryforward |
952689 | SAPFGVTR: Runtime error TABLE_HASH_NO_MEMORY |
181063 | Total Balances are wrong after running 2KES |
513707 | No automatic balance carryforward with reversal |
407091 | FI-SL/PCA delta procedure: dump w/ balance carryforward |
185421 | Balance carried forward in table GLPCT TTy RMVCT |
133797 | Inconsistent data records through balance carried forward |
828230 | FAQ Balance carryforward in Profit Center Accounting |
180906 | Logic of GLPCT update |
501345 | Balance carryforward: SAPFGVTR, SAPF011 new as of 4.6C |