Transaction SAP JBDO - Objet financier

Notes associées
782450SHERKU from the derivation not saved in the FO
529309No new profitability segment number in the EDT test run
378079Performance improvement for accesses to VDARL
210925No commit when deleting finance objects
776489Information: Costing rule for single transaction costing
539448Error for financial object derivation for variable transacti
210920No commit for fin.obj.mass prcsg of fin.objs w/errs
210910Characteristic derivtn w/ operating concern: J5059
186175Termination fin.object: PERFORM_TOO_MANY_PARAMETERS
195647Change financial object for loan: Message TE104
192939Char.derivtn: EDT and FO maintenance are different
770051Costing: Profitability segment update
204850Termination on transferring finance object for loan
210397Fin.objs cannot be processed in parallel in dialog mode
784222Information: Derivation of characteristics in SEM PA