Transaction SAP J2IUN - Monthly utilization

Notes associées
808742J2IUN not working for Service tax discharge
829100Excise utilisation also considering Deemed Export Values
1044245PLA account balance for SECess not displayed in J2IUN
845014J2IUN considering Invoices For Export No Bond
1121217Tick button do not work on J2IUN simulate screen in ECC 6.0
811026J2IUN -Pay Service Tax credit from cenvat-Payable negative
839043J2IUN: Subtransaction type selection provided
1057157No updation of J_1IPART2 while paying off SECS duty in J2IUN
10451451% SECess levied on service tax - Budget 2007
1040067Budget 2007-08 changes for Monthly utilization(J2IUN)
1060411Legal change in utilization rules for ECS and SECess - J2IUN
795492Transaction J2IUN CENVAT Utilization with Service Tax Credit
1044509Master note for SECess in release CIN30A - Budget 2007
1032265Budget 2007-Legal implications
796169Transaction J2IUN CENVAT Utilization with Service Tax Credit
927189Master Note for Additional tax fields and changes
952441CIN: General Clarifications for CIN - SD
535616FAQ: Country Version India (CIN) General SD queries