Transaction SAP J1IS - Excise invoice for other movements

Notes associées
1371230Extending Note 1069099 to packages from EHP 603 and above
1069099Incorrect calculation of secondary education cess in J1IS.
1038032Budget 2007-08 - correction to note 1033668 (J1IS)
1033668Budget 2007-08 changes for J1IS and J1IV
1033531Corrections for J1IIN for SECess levied in Budget 2007
927085Program changes (J1IS, J1IV) for additional tax fields
927189Master Note for Additional tax fields and changes
1032265Budget 2007-Legal implications
535616FAQ: Country Version India (CIN) General SD queries
616697NCCD changes - Budget 2003
542862FAQ: Country Version India (CIN) General MM queries