Transaction SAP J1I5 - Register creation for RG23 and RG1

Notes associées
959208J_1I7_USEREXIT_J1I5_VALIDATE-Include parameter(RCPTISSRSN)
1034732Repetition of values in register report of RG1 - J2I6
373001Loose and packed materials in RG1 register
1034308Budget 2007-08 (SECess) changes for J1I5(For RG1)
1434100RG1 - Daily Stock Account
412864User exit for RG23A/C and RG1 registers during J1I5
502792Material Form updation error during J1I5
951955CIN: General clarifications for RG1 goods
607503Maintenance view For Migration table of VAT
608190Creation of maintenance view for new SD VAT views & tables
608183Display old Invoices after jurisdiction code is switched off
607907Alternate G/L Account determination: VAT Sales/Purchases
1032265Budget 2007-Legal implications
827268Update open Orders with new tax codes and recompute taxes