Transaction SAP J1BTAX - Tax Manager's Workplace

Notes associées
912036Brazil:No transport of shortened condition validity periods
1298547J_1B_MIGRATE_TAX_RATES: table A346, field Valid To incorrect
706781Info Message About Necessary Adjustment of Access Sequences
921520Brazil : Date do not get adjusted for table J_1BTXST3
1087110PIS / Cofins Tax Law not derived from tax code
903749Brazil : Date of Condition record not updated via IDOC
634981Migration of Tax Entries To Conditions in Background
662906ICMS Rate for Substituição Tributária
556468Unicode Systems: Errors in Condition Generation
664227New CFOP Customizing Views in J1BTAX
711219Ignore Non-Relevant Tax Codes in Program J_1B_CBT_CONSIST
690049Display Ambiguous Tax Code in Popup Window
1061205Brazil: Customer tax classification for CBT
1015929Valid-to date not udpated in condition header via J1BTAX
674436Performance of Condition Generation in Tax Rate Maintenance
748252Brazil: Conditions for MP135 not gen. from SD Tax Code
705015Dump During Migration of Tax Rates - Option "Ask in Case..."
730918Condition-Based Tax Calculation: Configuration of IPI Pauta
754764Brazil: New Condition-Based Tax Calculation in CRM
910834Valid-to date not udpated in condition header via J1BTAX
655827Error VK065 in Condition Generation (Cond. Already Exists)
657856Cond.-Based Tax Calc.: Quantity-Dependent Tax on Nota Fiscal
1538088Tax calculation in Brazil
875092BR CBT : Transfer to Nota Fiscal for Zona Franca
679140S.T. Base Modification by MM-PO Conditions
651906Condition-Based Tax Calc.: Changes in ICMS on Freight
704658Condition Record Not Updated After Valid-To Date Changed
631593Generation of Condition Records For Initial Tax Data
981123PIS / Cofins Tax Law and Tax Situation
792565BR: Withholding Taxes in CRM pricing procedure
712021No Conversion of Values in ISS, PIS, COFINS, WHT Tables
552695Brazil: Corrections in Condition Generation
1059699NF-e: Base reduction for ICMS not transferred to XML file
658342Sub.Trib. Calculation With Pauta Fiscal
620749Condition Generation For Dynamic Tax Exceptions: Changes
686780Consistency of Condition Tables of BR Tax Calculation
736675Condition based tax calc.: Entries in delivered BC Set
980213Nota Fiscal Electronica (NF-e) of SEFAZ - Phase 2
712244Brazil: Condition-based tax calculation for CRM and R/3 4.7
664855Brazil: New Condition-Based Tax Calculation