783070 | Runtime error SAPSQL_ARRAY_INSERT_DUPREC in IW41 |
958016 | MAM: Remaining work is not calculated for time confirmation |
818557 | Termination response in Transactions IW41 and IW42 |
534193 | CN25/IW41: Repeated call with transaction variant |
421069 | Confirmation: Notes 380170 and 397746 cause errors |
384921 | Plant maintenance order: Header notification |
144533 | Performance of confirmation |
450902 | Goods movement overview: No unit of measure check |
422986 | IW41 / IW42 and notifications |
387746 | Termination during order confirmation |
446401 | Goods movement overview: no check of 'vendor' field |
397746 | Confirmation: Not possible to create notification |
591532 | Incorrect costs with header or milestone confirmation |
901919 | PM/CS order: Incorrect maint planner group authorization chk |
322748 | Update termination for capacity setup maint. order |
197669 | Capacity requirements despite of final confirmation |
380012 | Completion confirmation: no material requiring serial number |
898409 | PM/CS order: Incorrect maint plng plant authorization check |
106681 | Error message GS004 when posting costs on project |
318412 | Cap. rqmnts exist although order finally confirmed |
386419 | Confirmation: Input help for storage location -> dump |
167350 | Incorrect value (transaction currency) for confirmation |
688883 | Confirmation with price 0: Message BK 057 |
48451 | Incorrect status network/order after operation deleted |
377265 | Object list: entries with empty object number |
397354 | Goods movement:incorrect reason in material document |
505460 | Termination with confirmation in batch input |
309770 | Termination when confirming orders after migration |
193778 | JV Amendment for note 101872 |
535816 | No COFC records for incorrect actual costs |
552008 | Correction report: Temporary object no. in operation |
426744 | IW41/IW42: Branch to closed notification |
384172 | Correction Report: CO doc missing at completion confirmation |
108339 | Reset technical completion: Operation remains |
177799 | Incor. qty of goods receivd for fixed by-product |
533384 | Confirmation with actual costs: Duplicate CO documents poss |
157216 | No transfer short text <-> long text in order |
1082779 | System does not return to variant transaction |
542590 | Confirmation with actual costs: Double CO documents |
100387 | Materials are displayed for the incorrect operation |
397174 | Notification reference deleted in the order header |
806624 | Incorrect overall counter reading check in collective entry |
72343 | Date fields not filled in sub-operation |
538667 | No or incorrect goods issues for confirmations |
357356 | Maint. order:Req. of PP work center not dispatched |
536666 | Confirmation with actual costs: Duplicate CO docs possible |
95292 | SAP-Office: Data inconsist. storing certain lists |
454709 | Data loss in order/network operations |
84646 | Qty issued too high for comp. w. fixed quantity ind. |
569483 | Confirmation: unnecessary planned confirmations for actual c |
306664 | Not possible to process future change record/error rec. |
333236 | Maintenance order: Dump or capacity reqmts deleted |
604678 | COGI:Reason for goods movement not in material document |
29327 | Confirmation: missing number ranges |
645811 | Confirmation with plan price 0: No costs in CO |
571936 | Goods movement overview: no check of HUM storage location |
449561 | Goods movement overview:no error if movemnt type not allowed |
105183 | Forecast work in operation apparently incorrect |
632426 | Automatic goods movement creates delivery (HU-managed SLoc) |
142237 | Process waits infinitely for number range buffers |
531431 | FAQ: Advance shipment |
565370 | FAQ: Reprocessing incorrect actual costs (COFC) |
420307 | TSG: missing actual costs with confirmation |
380282 | Confirmation: Analyses for interface with CO |
700100 | Activity allocation: Valuation of quantities |
540392 | FAQ: Automatic goods movements |