785854 | Missing entries in TRBTTBMKSH Table |
764343 | (IMCO/IMCM) External ID XRef lenghts are not variable |
491571 | unable to attach multible administration fee rebates on cont |
481225 | Searching for member gives error Column ambiguously defined |
508906 | CPCC Service Package 2.0.120 |
496010 | CPCC Service Package 2.0.90 |
512507 | CPCC Service Package 2.0.130 |
485089 | CPCC Service Pack 2.0.60 |
506856 | invalid cursor error on IMCM10Ll0 |
702185 | CPCC Service Package 2.2.220 |
494392 | member has two sold to #'s and only the master shows on sear |
495760 | Can not price, using 'CPI-U or WAC' price methods |
491906 | Cannot price, using CPI-U price methods |
498942 | CPI-U price method is not adjusting the price |
500678 | contract hierarchy is not updating history |
458881 | error when searching with CPCC# |
491155 | No product overlap Error message during contract offer |
161474 | Drilldown report: automatic generatn of all reports |
496875 | Not correctly expiring tiered price methods |
511821 | Notifiction process runs long for contract expire changes |
491941 | WAC price not displayed in IMCM Pricing screen |
779222 | Pricing eff dates can be set outside of contract eff dates |
460243 | change search in IMCM from 'OWN_USE' TO 'O |
483702 | attach then delete of prods causes error 5 |
502331 | System does not generate proper notification. |
84023 | Re-generating drilldown reports |