Transaction SAP IM12 - Modif. un poste de programme d'inv.

Notes associées
179479No change document for depreciation simulation data
109598Field selection f. capit.investment program positns
46872Assign budgeted measure to cap.inv.prog. -> AP102
40971IM: Assignment Pgm.pos<->Measures - AP114 / AP208
40952CIP: Ind. "budget distribution" not ready f. input
39321Capital inv. prog.: Runtime error or EAP019/20/21/22
92508Consistency of cap. invest. prog. item - measures
47672Budget distribution with budget types not possible
96097Inconsist. cap.inv.program hierarchy after deletion
41763Assignment of PM order to investment program
356191FY variant program definition/controlling area different
85137Capital/expense in appropriation request/inv. program
161351Change to the name of an investment program
97352Error AP005 for upload of Inv.Program (RAIMUPLD)
70716IM: Ass. of prog.positions <-> measures:AP114/AP208
35788IM: Budget/plan.values = 0 after update >3.0B or ..