311227 | Changes to class not copied to functional location |
435831 | Technical object: Performance problem during data transfer |
699326 | Equipmnt:'Install/dismantle' via user status (2) not allowed |
963170 | Display of attached file not working from ITS or WEB GUI |
873812 | Equipment: Authorization check during the installation |
502406 | Classification data not transferred |
359481 | Change documents warranty in technical object |
562783 | CC04: No authorization check when moving flocs and equis |
34985 | IL02/IE02:Lock problems in large object hierarchies |
388131 | Equipment:Installation/dismantling via user status forbidden |
105901 | Status inconsstncy f.eqmt dismantlng/eqmt hierarchy |
83551 | Incorrect check when dismantling/replacing equipment |
410446 | Functional location: Display text for class |
88312 | BS001 'No status object is available for &' |
152976 | Batch input techn.object: User status set/delete |
438127 | Technic. No characteristic display in classification |
495536 | Functional object: Display of change documents |
450259 | Technical object: Change documents for partners |
433288 | Technical object: Storing characteristics on tab page |
213679 | Techn.object:Perfrmnc install./dismatlng operatns |
595268 | Techn.object: BADI for additional authorization checks |
127276 | Performance for structure lists |
46257 | Errors instllng/dsmntlng eqmnt a. eqmnt hierarchies |
381380 | MMAM: Problems with split valuation (performance/timeout) |
539520 | Tech.object: Customer-spec.check when changing inst.position |
137810 | Archvng techn.obj.:historical installation locatons |
311452 | Equipment/location: Dump OBJECTS_OBJREF_NOT_ASSIGNED |
484490 | Functional locatn: Missing characteristic checks on tab page |
414859 | Technical objects: Classification with change number |
87427 | Functional location: status object does not exist |
622497 | Equipment: Authorization check for installation via BAPI |
845963 | Warranties: Warranty short text is not displayed |
526473 | Techn. object: Composite SAP note tab page Classification |
143426 | Field sel. TechObjects Influence via FuncLoc cat. |
329754 | Technical objects: Display of sub-equipment status |
410981 | Techn.Object: Scrolling characteristics on index card |
415987 | Engin.ChangeManagemnt f.charact.value assignm.not considered |
489696 | Technical object: Authorization checks in new 4.6C BAPIs |
213640 | Techn.object: Characteristics display on tab page |
636538 | Missing entries in input help of the (maintenance) plant |
126315 | Change documents for status in technical objects |
213677 | Technicl objct:Customer Include on severl tab pages |
374432 | Equipment/locatn:RAISE_EXCEPTION (exceptn ERROR_DP) |
380357 | Equipment:user status during installatn/dismantling |
83821 | Changing status profile in master data maintenance |
672605 | Techn. objects: Dump with meas. reading transfr cancellation |
702860 | Measurem. documnts: No cancelltn upon dismantling of equipm. |
198079 | No check of authorization S_TCODE for CALL TRANSACTION |
515769 | Techn.obj.:Runtime during search for install.eqpmts (EQUZ~H) |
513380 | Equipment BAPI: Authorization check in data transfer |
594757 | Techn.Object: V0104 (T185) with customr-specifc functn codes |
551326 | Technical object: Status check in customer enhancements |
303140 | Techn.object: performance problem f.structure lists |
456721 | Technical object: Support of change documents |
564467 | Techn. object: Cust. exits in transactions and (B)APIs |
410147 | Technical object: Sorting class characteristics on tab page |
552326 | Preventive maintenance project warranties |
976767 | Unable to use install BAPI to install equipment |
94143 | Performance problems in structure lists |
831408 | IK01: problems w/ measurement reading transfer relationship |
92970 | Technical object: Exits to check or change data |
514221 | Techn.object:Long runtimes when displaying implemntd equpmts |
534746 | Technical object: Performance problem for data transfer (2) |
115983 | Archiving technical object: I0311 (usage found) |