Transaction | Description |
GJ2A | Display JV partners |
GJ2B | Maintain JV partners |
GJ30 | Cutback / project intercompany code |
GJ31 | Cutback tables / orders |
GJ32 | Cutback rules / orders |
GJ33 | Equity types |
GJ34 | JV project in suspense |
GJ35 | Bank accounts |
GJ36 | Funding groups |
GJ37 | Funding group assignment |
GJ39 | JV Billing indicator |
GJ3A | Display JV project in suspense |
GJ3B | Cutback rules / intercompany assets |
GJ3C | Cutback rule: Networks |
GJ3D | Cutback - Intercompany networks |
GJ3R | Reconsile Intercompany Mapping |
GJ40 | Accounts for supplemental billing |
GJ41 | JV Projects for supplemental billing |
GJ42 | JV Material Batch-Cond code x-ref |
GJ44 | Net profit interest groups |
GJ45 | JVA functions / function item types |
GJ47 | Billing methods |
GJ49 | Billing method posting rules |
GJ4A | Periodic updates for company code |
GJ4A_MCC | Periodic updates for company code |
GJ50 | JV Posting rule detail customizing |
GJ51 | Bank accounts for cash call print |
GJ52 | Non-operated billing forms |
GJ53 | Non-operated billing form lines |
GJ54 | JOA detailed information |
GJ55 | JV valuation area |
GJ56 | Accounts for exchange differences |
GJ57 | JIB/JIBE classes |
GJ58 | JIB/JIBE subclasses |
GJ59 | JV Conditional code |
GJ60 | EDI Outbound Base Configuration |
GJ61 | JV Clearing billing indicator |
GJ62 | JV Bi.Meth./CompCd. assignment |
GJ63 | JV Project types |
GJ64 | JV Cost center types |
GJ65 | JV Order types |
GJ66 | JIB master data |
GJ67 | JIB account mapping |
GJ68 | JIB class/account mapping |
GJ69 | JIB class/subclass/account mapping |
GJ70 | JOA-maintenance |
GJ72 | JOA classes |
GJ73 | Special cost elements |
GJ74 | Stepped rate rules |
GJ75 | JV stepped rate thresholds |
GJ76 | Partner process groups |
GJ77 | Drilling statistical ratios |
GJ78 | Producing statistical ratios |
GJ80 | JIB account mapping for AFE |
GJ81 | JV Billing structure |
GJ82 | Create BTCI Sessions for Cash Calls |
GJ83 | JV Automatic posting |
GJ84 | JVA NPI/CI Netting (without CI Grp) |
GJ85 | JV Automated Postings (Cost Calcs) |
GJ86 | Customize report selection |
GJ87 | Display summary ledger totals |
GJ88 | Display billing ledger totals |
GJ89 | Automatic Adjust of Overhead Rates |
GJ90 | JV Realized exchange differences |
GJ91 | JV Unrealized exchange |
GJ92 | JV Goods receipt expense orders |
GJ93 | JV Goods receipt inventory orders |
GJ94 | International Cost Calculations |
GJ95 | North American Overhead Calculations |
GJ96 | Payroll Burden Clearing |
GJ97 | Compare FI with JV document |
GJ97N | JV Document Comparison |
GJ98 | North America Overhead Detail Report |
GJ99 | EDI mapping |
GJA1 | Create joint operating agreement |
GJA2 | Change joint operating agreement |
GJA3 | Display joint operating agreement |
GJA4 | JOA master data catalog |
GJA5 | Display changes for Joint Op. Agreem |
GJA8 | JV JOA screen |
GJAA | JOA Master Transaction |
GJAC | Activate JVA in a Client |
GJB1 | BI for supplemental detail |
GJB2 | Account for supplemental detail |
GJB3 | Project type for supplemental detail |
GJB4 | Cost center type for suppl. detail |
GJB5 | Order type for supplemental detail |
GJB6 | SDS protocol |
GJBA | Balance sheet accounts for splitting |
GJBM | GJ BAPI parameter mapping |
GJBR | Billing reconciliation |
GJBS | Assign substitution to JV company |
GJBT | Billing threshold check |
GJBV | Assign Validation to JV Company |
GJC1 | Activate company in JV |
GJC2 | Deactivate company in JV |
GJCA | Housebank switching |
GJCB | JV Cutback Program |
GJCB_REV | Cutback Reversal |
GJCC | Copy configuration from company code |