Transaction SAP GCVZ - Traitement des règles

Notes associées
104540Repeated simulation delivers incorrect results
70302Syntax error in pgm: G_TAB_FLAG does not cont.SYST
326485Message GB506 when comparing field with constants
132724PERFORM_NOT_FOUND during simulation/trace
167634Conditions cannot be edited with the formula editor
214374VSR: no sub-field validation on date fields
94771Rule maintnance (GCVZ) calls SM31 for T890 in error
43316Simulation for validat./substitut. does not work
105541Simulation of validations/rules of class 4
386923Changes in GGB0 and GGB1 possibl in spite of system settings
200372Error message GB004 ("Parentheses not closed")
178462Rules: No source code regeneration after transport
167042Validatn exit pool name may not exceed 8 characters
151065Error after transport of validations with sets
65210Maintaining converted rules not possible
105026Cost/sales acctng:problems w. field-field comparis.
105534Coll.note:Trace/simulation of validation/substitutn
52650No regeneration of source code after transport
98773Cst/sls acct.:Probs w.validat.f.master data in sets
126897Performance/short dumps for validat. w. large sets
160687Problems: condition entry using formula editor
351634Sub-fields or LIKE with WBS element (POSID)
369619Message GU101 "Sub-formula & not in Table 890"
116276Problems with expressions with subfields
166421Syntax error: "Field MATHS_RES is unknown ..."
52344Incorr. transport of subst./validation (steps)
118850Short dump with transport of Validations and Subst.
159164Trace/simulation and long/numeric fields
301265Problems when entering literals with Formula Editor
119870Formatting of rules lost
325074VSR: Maximum size of a set used
167680Trace of validation shows incorrect results
103594Cst o.sales accntng: Prblms f.use o.ruls i.substit.
100279Error message GB104 or GB105
108687Field RS_... or RC_...-$GB_RES000 is unknown