Transaction | Description |
FMFG_F2_TRANS | Maintain Transfer Agency and Account |
FMFG_FP_REL_LIV | Release Blocked Fast Pay Invoices |
FMFG_FUNDS_AVAIL_BCS | 5-Column Status of Funds in BCS |
FMFG_FUNDS_AVAIL_SPL | 5-Column Status of Funds in FI-SL |
FMFG_FW_BROWSER | FM USFG Line Item Browser |
FMFG_GTAS_ACBLDEF | Specify GTAS Account Balances |
FMFG_GTAS_CONV | GTAS Conversion/Initialization |
FMFG_GTAS_FILE | Create GTAS bulk file |
FMFG_HELD_INVOICES | List for Parked and Held Documents |
FMFG_IMPROP_REASONS | Reason code maintenance |
FMFG_INVCANCEL | Cancel Invoice and Subsequent Docs |
FMFG_INVSTAT | Maintain Invoice Statuses |
FMFG_INV_STAGES | FMFG: Invoice Stages Activation |
FMFG_IPAC | US Federal IPAC Interface Process |
FMFG_IPACED | US Federal IPAC Interface Process |
FMFG_IPACED_DERIV | US Fed IPACed Derivation Tool |
FMFG_IPACED_FLAG | US Fed IPACed Cust/Vend Flag |
FMFG_IPACED_REVERSE | IPACed Bulk File Confrm. Reverse Pro |
FMFG_IPAC_CNFRM | IPAC Confirmation Process |
FMFG_IPAC_REGENERATE | Regenerate previous produced bulk fi |
FMFG_IPAC_REVERSE | IPAC Bulk File Reverse Process |
FMFG_IPAC_SNUM | Number range maintenance: IPAC_DOCR |
FMFG_MAN_RFC_CONFIRM | Treasury Confirmation |
FMFG_MM_PENDING | PO Pending Changes Report |
FMFG_PMT_TYPE | Maintain Pmt Method to Pmt Type map |
FMFG_PO_HISTORY | Historique de commande |
FMFG_PO_POST | Enreg. commandes d'achat maintenues |
FMFG_PPA_EXPFUND_DER | US Fed PPA Exp Fund Derivation |
FMFG_PPA_TO_VENDOR | Transfer PPA Flag to Vendor |
FMFG_PP_CLEAR | Federal Payment Program Clearing |
FMFG_PROG_REPT_CODE | Program Report Category - FACTS II |
FMFG_PR_POST | Enregistrer demandes achat marquées |
FMFG_RCN_DERIVE1 | Rappr. : Customizing de dérivation |
FMFG_RCN_DERIVE2 | Rappr. : Customizing de dérivation |
FMFG_RCN_DERIVE3 | Rappr. : Customizing de dérivation |
FMFG_RCV | Report on Receivables From Public |
FMFG_REASON_CODE | Improper Reason Code Report |
FMFG_REV_DPR_EF | Rev. Unused Down Payment Req. for EF |
FMFG_RFC_REGE | Regenerate IPAC file Using PMW |
FMFG_RPTA_DERIVE | Reporting Attributes - Customizing |
FMFG_RPTA_DERIVER | Reporting Attributes - Customizing |
FMFG_RPT_E_UNFILLED | Close Out Unfilled Orders |
FMFG_SF108_CONFRM | SF1081/80 Confirmation/Cash Check |
FMFG_SF108_REPRNT | SF1081/80 Reprint Output |
FMFG_SF108_REV | SF1081/80 Reversal Confrmed Doc |
FMFG_SF108_REV_UNCON | SF1081/80 Reverse Unconfirmed Doc |
FMFG_SO_ADJ_DERIVE | SO Adjustment Program - Customizing |
FMFG_SO_ADJ_DERIVER | SO Adjustment Program - Customizing |
FMFG_SO_HISTORY | Sales Order History |
FMFG_SPS_SUMM | SPS Summary File Creation |
FMFG_SS_APPROVAL | Payment Sampling Approval Process |
FMFG_SS_BATCH | Payment Statistical Sampling - Invoi |
FMFG_SS_CERTIFY | Payment Sampling Certification Proce |
FMFG_SS_STATUS | Payment Sampling Process Status Repo |
FMFG_SS_USERS | Statistical Sampling Clerk/Superviso |
FMFG_TC_REVERSE | Treasury Confirm Reverse Process |
FMFG_TC_REV_CHECKS | US Fed. TC Schedule Reversal - check |
FMFG_TC_REV_SCHEDULE | US Fed. TC Schedule Reversal - Sched |
FMFG_TRANS_DP2CUSREC | Transfer DP to Customer Receivable |
FMFG_TREASURY_CONFIR | Confirmation trésorerie |
FMFG_UPD_SL_LINES | Update 95/96/97 ledger line items |
FMFG_WAREHOUSE | Warehouse Report Transaction |
FMFG_YBA_BDGT | FMFG: YBA - Budget Entry |
FMFG_YEAR_END_CLOSE | Clôture de l'exerc. : solde en cours |
FMFG_YEC_LOAD_RULES | Chargem. règles de fin d'exercice |
FMFG_YRCL | Règles pour clôture de l'exercice |
FMFI | Exécuter programme RFFMCJFI |
FMFPCOPY | Copie affect. cpte budg. à type rec. |
FMFU | Gestion regroupement synthèseFinanc. |
FMFUDERI | Dérivation fonds et fonction |
FMFUDERIR | Dériv. fonds et fonction : règles |
FMG1 | Créer schéma de plan struct. budget |
FMG2 | Modif. schéma plan struct. budget |
FMG3 | Afficher schéma plan struct. budget |
FMG4 | Supprimer schéma plan struct. budget |
FMG5 | Générer objet PSB de schéma PSB |
FMGL | Gestion du texte pour structure |
FMGL_COFIMONITOR | Moniteur de solde écritures CO-FI |
FMGL_PERIOD_CONTROL | Périodes comptables pour zones GL |
FMGP | Regroup. rel. à synth. regroupement |
FMGR | Gestion des textes pour regroupement |
FMGX | Edition de cptes budg. ds fich. UNIX |
FMGY | Création comptes budgét. via UNIX |
FMHC | Contrôle éléments budgétaires ds HR |
FMHG | Génération d'éléments budget dans HR |
FMHGG | Gén. d'élém. budg. pr plus. fonds |
FMHIE_CHANGE | Traiter hiérarchie |
FMHIE_CHKINCONDATA | Contrôler incohérences données MBS |
FMHIE_CHKINCONDISTR | Contrôler incohérences répartition |
FMHIE_COPY | Copier PSB hiérarchique |
FMHIE_DELETE | Supprimer PSB hiérarchique |
FMHIE_DISPLAY | Afficher PSB hiérarchique |
FMHIE_EXPORT | Exporter PSB multiniveau |
FMHIE_GENERATION | Générer hiérarchie |
FMHIE_HIEID | Créer/affecter ID de sous-hiérarchie |
FMHIE_IMPORT | Importer PSB multiniveau |
FMHIST | Répartition d'une pièce dans FM |
FMHK | Copier données de pilotage |
FMHS | Gestion stat. dotat. inscr. ds budg. |