Transaction SAP FMFI - Exécuter programme RFFMCJFI

Notes associées
47642Wrong cash holdings for residual items
448438Error FI_E_018 Per./year for comm. bdgt is not open bals. after reconstructing FM invoice
484745CO account assignmnts of network number and operation number
43951Residual items in cash budget mgt
370529Cash desk: Termination w/ transfer to FI
45677Update termination during down payment clearing
572549RFFMDLFI does not delete documents in fiscal year change
413419CO acct assignments network no.& operation/activity no.
47927No update of clearing documents in LC
338678Drilldown reporting: error whn callng up line items
580265 Expected payment date is not updated
52838Update termination because of incorrect years
39596Incorrect balances in cash budget management
381853Download RFFMS200 Release 4.61B to 4.02A-E
403150Report conversion from LDB F1F to FMF