Transaction SAP FAGLL03 - Postes indiv. cptes généraux (nouv.)

Notes associées
1492534FAGLL03: Posting key is not always filled
1061175Tax Reduction Act FI: Authorization check in FAGLL03&FAGLB03
1385783FAGLL03: Fiscal year variants with large number of periods
1355836FAGLL03: special fields not filled for a non-leading ledger
975068Incorrect line item display in transaction FAGLB03
1117587FAGLL03: Special fields for documents in non-leading ledger
1484148FAGLL03: Postings to accounts managed on an open item basis
1034354FAGLL03: Display of offsetting account information
1492533FAGLL03: Ledger group not always filled
1223997Amounts incorrect in FAGLB03 navigation to FAGLL03 and FB03
939675FAGLL03 - Srch hlp for transaction type in dyn selection
984303FAGLL03: Error during creation of amount special field
1007825FAGLL03: Field 'Cost element' not provided for accrual
1005733FAGLL03: 'Cost element' field missing for custom selection
1071903FAGLB03: Balance carryforward/cum balance: Migration problem
989397Line items: Performance when using special fields
977569FAGLL03: Amount fields with incorrect plus/minus signs
1168430FS10N: Display 'classic' balances when new G/L is active II
1035275FAGLL03: Amts in negative postings for 'zero balance' accts
1163346FAGLL03: Incorrect plus/minus signs for negative postings(2)
1425118FAGLL03: Display of offsetting account for archived data
1004374FAGLL03: Posting to account managd on OI basis in NL ledger
1040462FAGLL03: 'Zero balance' accts -> Follow-up note to 1035275
945932FAGLL03: Enhancing dynamic selections with certain fields
1113114FAGLL03: Incorrect plus/minus signs for negative postings
1029639FAGLB03: Drill down incorrect despite Notes 999742/1005736
984305Line item: Definition of special fields (T021S)
999742FAGLB03: Drilldown for the 'Total' line is incorrect
1005736FAGLB03: Incorrect drilldown for "Cumulative balance"
1047254FAGLB03: Drilldown using 'Total' incorrect with periods < 12
947573RFPOSXEXTEND: Generation terminates with error code '3'
1013136FAGLL03: Transaction type and amounts for archived docs
1052688FAGLL03: Note 1004374 does not solve the problem completely
946998FAGLL03: Transaction type not filled in general ledger view
1382528FI general ledger: Performance of FI data selectn processes
1021174FS10N: Drilldown -> differences despite Note 970096
1423223Turkey: Display Yevmiye Number in line item reports
1074773FAGLL03: Authorization check when calling transaction
1161837FAGLB03: Balance <> Total of open items for OI selection
1155999FS10N: Displaying 'classic' balances when new G/L is active
1504612Line items: Offsetting account info (BAdI FI_ITEMS_CH_DATA)
862523mySAP ERP New General Ledger: New functions as of SP 10
1135916Line items: Help for analysis for long runtime
961937Document splitting: Master data zero balance clearing acct
944955FAGLL03: No search help in custom selections
1070629FAQs: New general ledger migration