115907 | HR SPs HCM Spain (components PA-PA-ES and PY-ES) |
1301472 | ES28.7: Garnish. - Warning message related to payment method |
1336896 | ES28.11:Wage Type /352 not being created for IA/ID (AT/EP) |
1289860 | ES28.6: Bonification bigger than Company Contribution II |
1278957 | ES28.6: Missing Bonification for Special Employment Centres |
1306792 | ES28.8: RPUOCUE0- Future Splits in 0061 (after cut-off date) |
1345207 | ES28.11: Dump using RPC190E0 program on release 604 |
1298100 | ES28.6: Mapping keys and subkeys for 296 model |
1339240 | ES28.10: Problems blocking infotype 887 for garnishment |
1312545 | ES28.8: ERE - Refusing employes in the hiring period |
1307252 | ES28.8: Wrong total of employees for 216 model |
1295271 | ES28.6: Missing character in line when downloading model 296 |
1300585 | ES28.6: Mapping keys and subkeys for 296 model - Version II |
1291472 | ES28.6: Wrong information in the call of BAdI in RPCFINE0 |
1312356 | ES28.8: Exception treatment for feature EC296 |
1320668 | ES28.8: Change of Contribution Account Code type |
1349541 | ES28.11:ERE days in case of overlapping with another absent. |
1314110 | ES28.8: Wrong information in the call of BAdI in RPCFINE0 |
1319477 | ES28.10: Corrections at Batch Input of RPIGA0E0 |
1300922 | ES28.8: TP employees with Strike not working properly. |
1295867 | ES28.6: Artists - Grouping DATs with same retribution group |
1312952 | ES28.8: Wrong error message during regularization on IT 62 |
1311838 | ES28.8: AFI - Not calculating correctly the end date of VNDs |
1285942 | ES28.6:Artists: Reading records from infotypes 0014 and 0015 |
1313532 | ES28.8: Previous expenses wrongly totalized at certificate |
1289030 | ES28.6: Quotas for researchers with training contracts |
1291935 | ES28.8: Problems with contract printing in RPCOINE0 |
1315458 | ES28.8: RPTGENE0: Subsequent sickness not working properly |
1299031 | ES28.8: Fixed bonifications and VNDs not working properly |
1305011 | ES28.8: ERE: Adjusting ERE using double days |
1305108 | ES28.8:RPUOCUE0 not locking employees properly |
1228415 | ES28: Partial-time employees with minimum contrib. incorrect |
1342352 | ES28.11: VND minimum bases for training contracts |
1354191 | ES28.11: F4 Help not working properly for field "GRCOT" |
1300135 | ES28.7: ERE - Different ERE numbers in the same period |
1298538 | ES28.6: Changes in expenses for 190 model - keys L05 and L10 |
1349311 | ES28.11: Incorrect TC-1 for A76 declarations |
1300194 | ES28.6: Error in 296 model due to special characters |
1316742 | ES28.10: Wrong data from infotype 6 (Addresses) in 296 model |
1312470 | ES28.8: ERE - Limits of benefits not being calcuted properly |
1306923 | ES28.8: Daily Employees with inconsistent contrib. bases II |
1331091 | ES28.10:RPCEREE0 not calculating contribution bases properly |
1354370 | ES28.11: Problems in bases calculation for ERE |
1337106 | ES28.11: Overtime being calculated for partial-time employes |
1329040 | ES28.10: Error in Batch Input data generated by RPIGA0E0 |
1298338 | ES28.6: Artists - Wage type with incorrect behavior |
1297991 | ES28.10: Function EDSS0 clearing field ABART. |
1289914 | ES28.6: TC - A non artist employee set as artist |
1292684 | ES28.6: PSS absence is not working properly in RPCTC0E0 |
1293239 | ES28.6: Prorate taking into account PSS days |
1325224 | ES28.10: New bonification for researchers in CD24. |
1317147 | ES28.10: ERE:Double days changing contribution days behavior |
1316709 | ES28.8:Bonification with VND not being distributed correctly |
1347079 | ES28.11: RPCEREE0 not reporting extinct./susp. date properly |
1226482 | ES28: Daily Employees with inconsistent contribution bases |
1289122 | ES28.6:AFI: Field "worker in social exclusion" with problems |
1316487 | ES28.8: Bonifications when part-time percentage is changed |
1301559 | ES28.7: TC - Error message with a wrong description |
1288093 | ES28.6: Problems with model 216 in the RPC190E0 report |
1311412 | ES28.8: Artists: Contributions Amounts 2009 |
1335868 | ES28.10: ERE + fixed bonification result in an incorrect DAT |
1348436 | ES28.11:BRD not being calculated properly for daily employee |
1308061 | ES28.8: Incorrect incomes grouping of key 'F' on 110 model |
1354312 | ES28.11: TC: Bonific. not being correctly distributed for TP |
1356528 | ES28.11: Incorrect reduction PTPAR for RED 2009/07 - Item 2 |
1349027 | ES28.11: BRD calculation with a contract change II |
1354210 | ES28.11:EERE0 is not calculating contribution bases properly |
1299540 | ES28.6: Missing birthday date for 296 model generation |
1329068 | ES28.10:Bonific. with VND not being distributed correctly II |
1267825 | ES28.4: Artists: Contribution Calculation with problems. |
1312547 | ES28.8: Firefighters - Benefits not working properly |
1334637 | ES28.10:Bon. Method for Research. (30%) contrac. 420 and 520 |
1311467 | ES28.8: New Bonification for Researchers (40% first year) |
1340988 | ES28.11: RED 2009/07 ERE Bonification 50% |
1322525 | ES28.8: Bonific. Researchers 40% missing for some contracts |
1335760 | ES28.10: Previous ERE days calculation not working properly |
1317869 | ES28.8: RPTGENE0 taking into account days instead of months |
1317370 | ES28.8: Firefighters Bonification extended for all contracts |
1273159 | ES28.5:Contribution Base calculation for Training Contrac.II |
1307401 | ES28.8: Firefighters Contribution |
1302788 | ES28.8: Bonification for Firefighters |
1241641 | ES28.3: Bonification ends in the middle of a month. |
1290359 | CONSULT: New CNAEs for 2009 |
1301705 | CONSULT: Cotización adicional Bomberos (Ley 2/2008) |
1292702 | ES28.8: Changes in contract printing structure (model 177) |
1331104 | ES28.9: Change the Company Certificate form name for ERE |
1297439 | ES28.6: New subkeys for 190 - Navarra |
1295009 | ES28.6: New subkeys for 190 - Alava/Biscay |
1344365 | ES28.10: Incorrect printed message on Company Certificate |
1472178 | Bonifications: Correction protection 'ES28' '00000002' |
1231368 | ES28: Additional correction for note 1172262 in system 46C |
1316026 | ES28.10: PSS: Next month treatment |
1290537 | ES28.6: New CNAE-2009 table |
1180290 | ES28:Contrib. researchers training contracts RED 2008/4 |
1318448 | ES28.8: New Special work relationship - Researcher |
1318836 | ES28.8:AFI - New field "Modalidad de cotización" in DAM seg. |
1326426 | ES28.11: Additional Contribution for Firefighters |
1225022 | ES28: Split for Unemployment Quotation - Boletín RED 2008/01 |
1168510 | ES28: Difference between RPCTC0E0 and RPCALCE0 in /3CS. |
1224645 | ES28: Wrong country code in some AFI segments |