Transaction SAP EL29 - Correction résultats vraisemblables

Notes associées
183375Process meter read. orders of tech. installed devices
149961Overestimation factor with estimation of MR results
186651Met. read. dataproc.: multpl trig. of ident. events
204160EL27: Different upper and lower limits
163360Validation 96 - Fixed value deviation
306267Independent validation: Fixed value deviation
206771Convert meter readings to consumption w. gas meters
164432No validation class found for meter reading entry
166097Extrapolation when creating rereading order
158676Extrapolation from period of previous year
1180536Active estimatn for resetting register during MR at move-in
311677EL27: Consumption not adjusted when MR changed
165881Overview information for validation data processing: device 'choose' incorrect
1574662Expected meter reading in overview of validations
335999EL28: EL401 future meter reading lower
201982Enter MR results: No consideration of future MRs
214924EL28:Assessing prformd w.real readng rsult
156949Changing MR results with floating backbilling
188309MR entry: Tolerance limit valid. for sev. periods
309840EL27 - EL29: EL401 also with balancing registers
168249EL27: No SM order with control reading order
188210Meter reading estimation: meter reader is deleted
165677Wrong error class for tolerance limit validations
309800EL29: Moving back the meter reading date
154396Billing term.: Several MRs with same date and time
209915Billed meter reading result can be changed
174039Deregulation change of contract: Fixed MR date
145527Meter reading entry: Consumption determination
188364Processing MR documents of uninstalled devices
188855Meter reading data: List of information on validation
157018EL29: Change meter reading date
683674EL27: DBIF_RSQL_INVALID_RSQL Select all portions
208439EABL: Enhancement of customer-specific data