Transaction SAP EFRM - Print Workbench : formulaire applic.

Notes associées
1287337EL35: Order output with meter reading terminates with E9 871
184909Short dump when printing bill or welcome letter
172474Application form: Copy to client incomplete
192975Copy application form: Termination due to runtime
183758PWB: Generation problems
133591Error in form class IS_U_BI*_BILL
186986Copy application form: Problems when scrolling
157859Error in copying application forms
366468Addition to Note 207617
306805Error R1213 with test print of collective bill
184045PWB: Short dump when testing text variables
554409Middle name in address in IS-U/CCS application form
371388SAPscript form error with reference in another client
309473Generation date of application form after transport
193656Bill printout: Syntax error WA_MR_NOTE_T unknown
174993PWB: Download/upload of application forms
190316Application form: User top/Exit INCLUDES deleted
174219Print Workbench: Problems with long text names
161791Print Wrkbench: Cus.-spec. namespaces not permitted
303159No BB plan data at interim billing with adjustment
214667Print BB plan notification with incorrect address
177941PWB: Empty user includes after transp. & generation
176059Print Workbench: Inactive 1:1 levels
111588Mass generation of application forms
495713Address printout in IS-U/CCS application form