146742 | No input help for order code in disconnection doc. |
156229 | Disconnection orders with future date not displayed |
156254 | No consistency check when changing reconnection |
148227 | Plant determination for participating devices |
152302 | Error w. changing no.of discon.obj. in discon. doc |
179642 | Error when cancelling in method DISCONNECT.EDIT |
147561 | Workflow ISUDISCSHUT1 enhancement |
152664 | Checking consistency for reconnection confirmation |
152733 | Message BMG140 for service order generation |
170517 | EL37 reversing MRs for disconnection/reconnection |
163586 | Indicating a disconnection as relevant to billing |
147510 | Reset OBJH periods w. confrmtn disconnct./reconnct. |
167309 | Creating disconnection meter reading orders |
174162 | Problems when reversing disconnections |
184730 | Reverse disconnection/reconnection order |
191407 | Disconnection objects only for current contracts |
217644 | Resetting the lock entries for disconnection doc. |
162896 | Change to trans. statistics for disconnection docs. |
210866 | Disconnection actions with completed disc. document |
304127 | MR type - entry of MR disconnection / move-in/out |
303122 | Disconnect. doc. completed despite active dis.order |