Transaction SAP EC60 - Traitement initial emménag./déménag.

Notes associées
206014Suppress addr_memory_save f. future address changes
186979Term. of forced move-outs when creating in backgrd
170565Standard telephone number during move-in
406311Performance problems with move-in and move-out
169153Unknown error in function module ISU_O_PARTNER_OPEN
168056Unknown error in function module ISU_O_PARTNER_OPEN
161496Change move-in after cancelling security deposit
152701Entering name fields for move-in
872581Improvement in performance for the move-in/out process
189669Message E7095 with move-in despite ref. customer
382119Change contract change meter reading
695470Move-in/out: Corrections for multiple customer change
161336Customer contact missing for welcome letter
200660Scheduled billing date in meter reading results
371142Move-in: Missing checks for business partner data
155140EC60/EC55/EC50: Message EL313 generated
162408MR data entry for move-in: No default value
330022Billing order after changing move-in date deleted
158232Creating customer moving in with BP relationship
332355Move-in demands jurisdiction code in the contract account
151914Entering dunning procedure in move-in
305441Change move-out for flat-rate installation
304466Error with entry of MR type dealt with incorrectly
508191EC60: No transfer of down payment requests
157895Contract data not transferred to user exit ECSBTI03
394455Move-in: Missing BP data in X_MOVEIN_EXT-EKUN_EXT
391342Move-in: Missing checks when saving
200668Move-in: Changed contract data not transferred to user exit
1262749EC50E: Error AM 892 for address-dependent telephone number
329834Move-in in non-dialog mode with tax jur. code
373030Move-in: Missing checks when saving
217315Change move-in date: EVERU fields are lost
303908Move-in: Meaningless messages appear in log
156269Warning for incorrect tax jrsdctn. code in move-in
161706Move-in/out: no run thrgh us.exit EXIT_SAPLEC50_001
460078Move-in: Checks for business partner data
163395Entry of business partner language required
156510Suppression of meter reading orders
154972Creating ship-to party and partner function
185598EC50: Default values for balancing registers
156639Error in big check with move-in
151861Entry of budget billing amount on move-in screen
160581Change move-in date: Error in authorization check
175888New w. sample welcome letter printout
395463Move-in: Missing checks of contract data
508841BDT: Foreign interface - AKTYP for several objects
216796Change move-in date, sec. dep. without return date
159698Incomplete check for move-in
178145Address transfer with automatic owner move-in
157194Auto. estimation when changing move-out or move-in
175350Meter reading entry move-out: Actual MR type
212984Service order missing after change to move-in date
864263EC50E, EC60 default value if MR is outside interval
178664Move-in: Field "division" in contract data empty
161339Change move-in/out document with entry
153829Installation created in future: Error E9890
187853Move-in: BB plan not created consistently
146714Incorrect sequence of tabs for move-in/move-out
210554Move-in/welcome letter: Unnecessary messages
152244Security deposit amt for move-in not ready f. input
158921Display of forecast period in bill printout
311674Move-in reversal despite adjustment reversal
199199Move-in: Problem with blocks when creating BBP
211008Move-in/budget billing plan: short dump when saving
166574Change final meter reading order
207054Move-in: Dump when enhancement ECSBTI02 used
167689Move-in can be reversed despite manual bill
151695Creating budget billing plan f.move-in w/ coll.bill
169725Creating plant maintenance orders
210084Move-in: Budget billing amount / Enhancement ECSBTI02
302149Error changing the move-in date: Message > 3 619
177537Changing move-in MR or final MR
1089017Secure handling of credit card data in IS-U
216444Move-in blocks connection object address
178478Move-in: Fields for security not ready for input
188562Scheduled billing date in meter reading results
197352Move-in: Business partner address not displayed
302766Archiving the welcome letter not possible
309693Move-in/out:Planned changes bus. part./cntrct accnt
336041Move-in: Button for creating the BBP is missing
588885EC53E Can't reverse MI if transferred deposit has interest
368053No move-in charges for individual contracts
630609for additional fields in move-out move-in EC60
165496Shrt dump w. device removal on same day as move-out
374653CD: Time out when reading scheduled changes
310487Use of utility contract in IS-U
196004Move-in: Error creating/transferring sec. deposits
187054Move-in: Automatic creation of budget billing plans
194075Move-in: Problem with blocks when creating BBP
198260Upgrade to IS-U 4.61: Convert tax jurisdiction code
384691CD: Timeout when reading planned changes
300883Move-in: Selection dialog boxes with welcome letter
384709CD: Timeout when reading planned changes
326479Move-in cannot be created:missing jurisdiction code
185922Move-in: Business partner / contract account field grouping
334104ACB: Workflow "automatic owner allocation" abends
509460Move-in: Open items not transfer posted
124379American address format on input templates
356700Automatic MR order creation for move-in/move-out