406311 | Performance problems with move-in and move-out |
304930 | Creditworthiness not released for move-out reversal |
210781 | Change to address not possible during move-out |
382119 | Change contract change meter reading |
203164 | Error AH100 when move-out created (adj. reversal) |
173670 | Scheduled billing and allocation date |
155140 | EC60/EC55/EC50: Message EL313 generated |
458585 | Automatic order entry with move-in |
389571 | Gas allocation date with move-out |
305441 | Change move-out for flat-rate installation |
167507 | Releasing maintenance orders with changed move-in |
169129 | Generating service order for move-out |
306566 | Creating tracking numbers with move-in/out |
195414 | Error message AH100 when creating move-outs |
175350 | Meter reading entry move-out: Actual MR type |
212841 | Scheduled MR date and actual MR date with move-out |
146714 | Incorrect sequence of tabs for move-in/move-out |
170652 | MR reading result: Time for move-in not 00:00 |
209788 | Identical meter reading time with meter readings |
166574 | Change final meter reading order |
192928 | Scheduled MR date and actual MR date with move-out |
177537 | Changing move-in MR or final MR |
164347 | EA00 problems for billing after MR reversal |
165496 | Shrt dump w. device removal on same day as move-out |
374653 | CD: Time out when reading scheduled changes |
384691 | CD: Timeout when reading planned changes |
384709 | CD: Timeout when reading planned changes |