151791 | Not storing proc.blcks when maintng contrct account |
167689 | Move-in can be reversed despite manual bill |
170047 | Double business partner addresses |
534118 | Move-in/contract account: Event 1017 in the non-dialog mode |
165958 | Language not stored for move-in |
172022 | Standard address indicator must not be deleted |
204178 | Message AM831 occurs when saving move-in |
150025 | Several addresses assigned to BP within move-in |
429363 | Contract account data from move-in reference not transferred |
197981 | Addresses doubled during move-in |
200472 | Part. func. when creating ship-to party in move-in |
633102 | Long runtimes during M-O of partner with many bank dets. |
197302 | Long text for bank details ID w. move-in & move-out |
163049 | Short dump in move-in processing |
170565 | Standard telephone number during move-in |
203261 | Addresses doubled through move-in |
406311 | Performance problems with move-in and move-out |
201027 | Telephone and fax numbers not copied |
208766 | Branching to full maintenance during a move-in |
169153 | Unknown error in function module ISU_O_PARTNER_OPEN |
168056 | Unknown error in function module ISU_O_PARTNER_OPEN |
305916 | Input help for bank details in move-in |
161496 | Change move-in after cancelling security deposit |
440785 | Proposal value contract account in entry |
153238 | Creditworthiness in move-in determined incorrectly |
152701 | Entering name fields for move-in |
200522 | Subsequent error when accessing move-in transaction |
308286 | Req. entry fld: Tel. or telefax w. move-in/-out |
437061 | Move-in: Short dump TABLE_INVALID_INDEX |
189669 | Message E7095 with move-in despite ref. customer |
382119 | Change contract change meter reading |
161336 | Customer contact missing for welcome letter |
165424 | Blocks not cancelled |
371142 | Move-in: Missing checks for business partner data |
155140 | EC60/EC55/EC50: Message EL313 generated |
162408 | MR data entry for move-in: No default value |
423595 | Report ISU_TRANSFER_JDC_TO_COADDRESS: Parameter MO_DATE |
147584 | Transfer connection object address to BP |
397668 | Move-in: Messages of type 'W' (warning) |
188028 | Error E9898 when creating budget billing plan |
214721 | BDT, foreign surface: changes to addresses are lost |
149108 | No new SM order after changing move-in date |
158232 | Creating customer moving in with BP relationship |
950754 | EC51E: Services for object icon several times |
151914 | Entering dunning procedure in move-in |
157895 | Contract data not transferred to user exit ECSBTI03 |
391342 | Move-in: Missing checks when saving |
200668 | Move-in: Changed contract data not transferred to user exit |
185819 | Move-in: Proposal meter readings in display mode |
1262749 | EC50E: Error AM 892 for address-dependent telephone number |
329834 | Move-in in non-dialog mode with tax jur. code |
373030 | Move-in: Missing checks when saving |
217315 | Change move-in date: EVERU fields are lost |
303908 | Move-in: Meaningless messages appear in log |
156269 | Warning for incorrect tax jrsdctn. code in move-in |
161706 | Move-in/out: no run thrgh us.exit EXIT_SAPLEC50_001 |
199117 | Met.read data processing: device 'choose' incorrect |
163395 | Entry of business partner language required |
154972 | Creating ship-to party and partner function |
185598 | EC50: Default values for balancing registers |
201982 | Enter MR results: No consideration of future MRs |
195559 | Endless loop in order creation reg. relationship |
151861 | Entry of budget billing amount on move-in screen |
306566 | Creating tracking numbers with move-in/out |
215143 | Move-in: Overlapping fields in CATT view |
160581 | Change move-in date: Error in authorization check |
175888 | New cust.contact w. sample welcome letter printout |
438334 | Move-in: Error in address check because of P.O. box |
395463 | Move-in: Missing checks of contract data |
508841 | BDT: Foreign interface - AKTYP for several objects |
170555 | Extrapolation for move-in in deregulation case |
159698 | Incomplete check for move-in |
215020 | Message EMV-150, although transfer is not used |
321538 | Meter reading move-in: No default value |
178145 | Address transfer with automatic owner move-in |
172393 | Extrapolation of move-in meter readings |
184757 | EC51: Meter reading entry - default values |
178664 | Move-in: Field "division" in contract data empty |
161339 | Change move-in/out document with entry |
153829 | Installation created in future: Error E9890 |
192438 | Determination of gas allocation date |
187853 | Move-in: BB plan not created consistently |
379470 | Move-in: Warning messages |
146714 | Incorrect sequence of tabs for move-in/move-out |
189082 | Business partner in SM orders |
210554 | Move-in/welcome letter: Unnecessary messages |
152244 | Security deposit amt for move-in not ready f. input |
170652 | MR reading result: Time for move-in not 00:00 |
311674 | Move-in reversal despite adjustment reversal |
199199 | Move-in: Problem with blocks when creating BBP |
211008 | Move-in/budget billing plan: short dump when saving |
195144 | Meter reading results with identical MR time |
207054 | Move-in: Dump when enhancement ECSBTI02 used |
151695 | Creating budget billing plan f.move-in w/ coll.bill |
210084 | Move-in: Budget billing amount / Enhancement ECSBTI02 |
148400 | Saving contract accounts with notes and temp. partner no. |
302149 | Error changing the move-in date: Message > 3 619 |
177537 | Changing move-in MR or final MR |
216444 | Move-in blocks connection object address |
178478 | Move-in: Fields for security not ready for input |