196043 | EASIBI: Incorrect extrapolation budget billing plan |
493027 | Suppression of billing order during simulation |
306898 | Billability of billing data record |
300462 | Term. of settlement simulation w. replacmnt dev. |
173557 | Addition instead of averaging during backbilling |
164562 | Variant QUANTI16 with customer change |
301807 | Error in calling up user exit EXIT_SAPLEA01_001 |
210009 | Decimal places with calculated average price |
173302 | Fill date1 and date2 in billing line items |
217096 | Press. level/gas date info. not in bill. line items |
211962 | Individual bill posted to closed reconciliation key |
162354 | Termination of billing with SQL error |
171468 | Wrong no. of prev. period values in var. QUANTI17 |
181573 | Error in seasonal-dependent period-end billing |
208484 | Variant QUANTI08 calculates incorrectly w.proration |
210940 | Billing after device modification (Part II) |
168963 | Adjustment to day to billing period for move-in/out |
198309 | Error when clearing rounding errors |
179762 | Missing information lines with services |
165082 | Missing entries in fields TCNUMTOR & TCDENOMTOR |
147945 | Termination of billing with internal error AJ010 |
169147 | Updating average prices to installation facts |
301602 | Field time portion incorrect with backbilling |
202159 | Short dump in billing with update ERCHU |
208515 | Operands of category demand with historical values |
175650 | Error E9015, short dump in ISU_DB_ERCHU_UPDATE_BILL |
200736 | Update error when proration occurs in BACKBI02 |
207395 | Installation facts are not taken into account |
203601 | Error in schema execution after Note 191371 |
185865 | Error with absolute surcharges if consumption zero |
308505 | Franchise contract not filled by variant LUMSUM02 |
311509 | Field time portion in variant IF01 set incorrectly |
189606 | Tax difference with backbilling |
167375 | Termination of billing with error AH680 |
200634 | Fld statistical rate type filled incorrectly in doc |
164475 | Termination with error EQ006 in billing |
1361123 | MRO: Meter reading type from schedule record not considered |
313117 | Inconsistent billing documents after AOP026 (1.2) |
213794 | Price summary and indicator negative +/- sign |
165349 | Termination of billing with INSERT error in ERCHO |
174961 | Period-end billing:Incorrect grouping of line items |
165779 | Termination of billing with error AH690 |
190525 | Performance improvement price block adjustment II |
174809 | Incorrect price blocks for scale prices |
163009 | Allocation of MR results to billing order |
167037 | Proration at start or end of billing period |
167656 | Termination of billing with error AH685 |
302156 | Error in conversion of time-dependent sizes |
210753 | No billing when meter reading results blocked |
163207 | Incorrect allocation to previous billing order |
164336 | Terminations in rental price variants |
169580 | Termination in variant SETTLE01 with error E9890 |
166321 | Termination of billing with error AH714 |
167090 | Period-end billing:Incorrect grouping of line items |
162785 | Incorrect assignment of billing orders to contract |
201456 | Error:Derivation of CO a/c assgts f. non-cost elems |
166222 | Rounding problems with MR results for BB period |
304200 | Serial switching with 2 meter readings per day |
188833 | Best-rate billing and rate change |
199522 | Performance measures for proration |
190259 | Error in budget billing amount extrapolation EASIBI |
192880 | Gas: Termination of simulation with error AH548 |
208628 | Incorrect absolute discount amount with DISCNT08 |
210264 | Demands of previous month taken into account |
166272 | Message E7002 generated unnecessarily by system |
197393 | Required operand not in installation facts |
159968 | Importing meter reading results to billing |
166525 | Negative consumption proration |
153756 | Meter reading document numbers with identical time |
306513 | Error in consideration of leap days |
156801 | Error message AJ349 in individual bill EASIBI |
1361237 | EASIBI: Meter reading category from schedule record ignored |
170652 | MR reading result: Time for move-in not 00:00 |
178142 | Termination of billing with short dump |
169382 | Period control: Monthly reference exact day billing |
180193 | Proration with dependent schema steps II |
158386 | Rounding problems in billing |
172444 | Consider MR reasons for programming device |
306829 | NO termination in billing despite missing MRs |
165266 | Importing meter reading results in billing (EABLG) |
190067 | No negative quantities in billing document |
208390 | Error in demand billing for proration |
174351 | Rounding problems for proration |
164347 | EA00 problems for billing after MR reversal |
191605 | Missing zero consumption line item with scale price |
189861 | Performance improvement for price block adjustment |
210632 | Termination in billing with message AH191 |
202769 | Termination in billing with error message AJ440 |
173476 | Price summary/franchise fee (proration) |
191371 | Billing does no longer work as of AOSP16 |
171636 | Cannot reverse first billing document after move-in |
171362 | Meter reading results with same meter reading date |
188322 | Price summary/franchise fee group (proration prob.) |
203791 | Meter reading results with identical MR date |
174036 | Short dump in SAPLEA54 (gas) due to division by 0 |
636529 | EASIBI: Reading interval check cannot be suppressed |
878129 | VAR: ISU_ZIF01 inadvertently included in delivery |
305361 | Price block adjustment per time slice |
172218 | New variant CTMPUT20 |