654438 | Manufacturing of original invoicing units |
322346 | INV: Activate sequence check for invoicing reversal |
301747 | Short dump when reversing a collective bill |
174239 | Error E9033 generated in Transaction EA14, EA15 |
309205 | Data inconsistency with invoicing reversal |
186960 | No logs w. term. of invoicing transactions |
190806 | Addition: Revs. print document, short dump w. E9898 |
177986 | Performance problems during reversal |
663248 | Reversal: Partial return with BB amount clearing |
156349 | Invoic.reversal:EM 09033 when accessing table TE305 |
187284 | Reverse print document: Short dump with error E9898 |
311643 | FPF3: Message >0070 output without text |
185580 | Incorrect document selection with mass reversal |
165080 | Error >4012 for billing document cancellation |
301684 | Hide paramater "Keep budget billing plan' with BBP |
177568 | Error in reversal of partial bills |
153044 | Bill reversal despite active instalment plan |
188098 | Error messages EB071, EB130 in invoicing reversal |
195390 | Problem after clearing reset for invoicing document |
145595 | BB problems, change amount and delete with reversal |
147773 | Print doc. reversal: FIKEY and print date incorrect |
168167 | Data inconsistency for bill reversal |
935476 | REV: Reversal termination with error message TU 226 |
211913 | Invoicing creates only header doc. w/o line items |
214368 | Consistency checks with bill creation and reversal |