Table SAP VBPA - Document commercial : partenaire

Zone Clé Elément de donnée Type Offset Long. Décimales Table de Contrôle Description
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Mandant
VBELN X VBELN CHAR 3 10 0 Numéro du document commercial
POSNR X POSNR NUMC 13 6 0 Numéro de poste du document commercial
PARVW X PARVW CHAR 19 2 0 TPAER Rôle partenaire
KUNNR KUNNR CHAR 21 10 0 KNA1 Numéro de client
LIFNR LIFNR CHAR 31 10 0 LFA1 Numéro de compte du fournisseur
PERNR PERNR_D NUMC 41 8 0 Matricule
PARNR PARNR NUMC 49 10 0 Numéro du contact
ADRNR ADRNR CHAR 59 10 0 Adresse
ABLAD ABLAD CHAR 69 25 0 Point de déchargement
LAND1 LAND1 CHAR 94 3 0 T005 Clé de pays
ADRDA ADRDA CHAR 97 1 0 Code d'adresse
XCPDK XCPDK CHAR 98 1 0 Code : s'agit-il d'un compte CPD ?
HITYP HITYP_KH CHAR 99 1 0 THIT Type de hiérarchie client
PRFRE PRFRE CHAR 100 1 0 Code 'significatif pour la détermination du prix'
BOKRE BOKRE CHAR 101 1 0 Code : client concerné par une ristourne
HISTUNR HISTUNR NUMC 102 2 0 Numéro du niveau au sein de la hiérarchie
KNREF KNREF CHAR 104 30 0 Désignation individuelle du partenaire commercial (div, mag)
LZONE LZONE CHAR 134 10 0 Zone transport dans / vers laquelle s'effectue la livraison
HZUOR HZUOR NUMC 144 2 0 Affectation à la hiérarchie
STCEG STCEG CHAR 146 20 0 Numéro d'identification de la TVA sur chiffres d'affaires
PARVW_FF PARTNER_FF CHAR 166 1 0 Code "Autres partenaires dans cette fonction" (VBPA2)
ADRNP AD_PERSNUM CHAR 167 10 0 ADRP Nº de personne
KALE KALE CHAR 177 1 0 Gestion des dates dans le calendrier

114756Customer hierarchy determination for pricing
36557Info SD/CO-PA: Transferring partner roles to CO-PA
1501707Selection criteria for online checks for scenario EXP or SO
1080446RFDKLI20: Scheduling agreements excluded
1151223ORDERS/ORDCHG: IDoc contains incorrect customer number
1126517ORA-1445 or incorrect values with 10.2
491506SD archiving: Reloading billing documents is not supported
892116/sapapo/sdrqcr21: Inconsistent edatu in scheduling
25444SDRQCR21: Recovery of sales and delivery requirements
727478Modified Objects (excluding DDIC) for ISS, PIS, COFINS; CSLL
497327Download sales order: Filters do not work
7356352LIS_TRTK incomplete after shipment cost update
743195Tax calculation Brazil for 3rd party sales
705317Performance credit master data (FD32) and RFDKLI20
510836Message Type X is raised in R/3 during upload of salesorders
30737Credit limit, RFDKLI20, performance problems
597975/sapapo/sdrqcr 21:Error - inconsistent date in scheduling
442100SD_VBRK: Runtime problems due to CLIENT SPECIFIED
613851VL10: Incorrect sorting of internal table VBPA
595040VL10: performance issue for document list with sales orders
497289Performance when reading shipment
207067Basic perfrmnce reading deliveries via DB interface
423224LIS: DBase SELECTS in formulas, conditions and user exits
376485Termination when creating delivery online
396892DEL-IS-OIL 4.6C: Deleted IS-OIL fields
436660SAPSQL_ARRAY_INSERT_DUPREC during delivery creation w/ VL10
429002CO-PA charact. OIFWE: not filled properly in Invoice
207021General billing interface: incorr. data from goods receipt
411032Partner missing during transfer of freight costs to CO-PA
308733Billing split due to the person number
312732Update termination with manual partner addresses
328730CJB1, CJB2: Additional partner functions
317935Invoice Split Criteria for Invoice Lists
177664Billing split due to VBPA-ADRNR or VBPA-ADRDA
135229No update of deliveries to partner hierarchies