Table SAP VBDATA - Données de mise à jour

Zone Clé Elément de donnée Type Offset Long. Décimales Table de Contrôle Description
VBKEY X VBKEY_D CHAR 0 32 0 Clé pour mise à jour et blocage/déblocage
VBMODCNT X VBMODCNT INT4 32 10 0 ID du module fonction de mise à jour
VBBLKNO X VBBLKNO INT4 36 10 0 Numéro d'un bloc de données de MAJ
VBLEN VBLEN INT2 40 5 0 Longueur des données de mise à jour
VBDATA VBDATA_D LRAW 42 30000 0 Données de MAJ

1431296LOB conversion and table compression with BRSPACE 7.20
1282630EXPORT/IMPORT: Improvement of analysis tools
1312704DB2-z/OS: Handling of VBDATA (with DB2 v9.1)
377563Reorganizing TEXT/IMAGE fields
135207DB2/390: Partitioning of tables
1451361DB6: Best Practices for HP-UX systems running DB2 LUW
571073Billing documents with status 'C' but w/o accounting docs
1003894RSBCS_REORG: Corrections
1223994Composite SAP note: Incomplete update records
943141DB2-z/OS: Additions upgrade to SAP NW 7.1
1425488DB6: Performance problems with volatile tables
1459078DB2-z/OS: EHPI / SAPup does an unwanted change of LOCKSIZE
1430621DB6: Performance of VBDATA
990525DB2-z/OS: Report RSDB2VOLATILE does not succeed
327494Configuration Parameters for SQL Server 2000
122718CBO: Tables with special treatment
1280546Shadow tables during the update
122599DB2/390: Performance of the update
1076804Incomplete update records
1132350Incomplete update records
1268922FI/incomplete update requests: CHANGE_DOCUMENT
896717Problems with tables in ASSM tablespaces
1177859IS-H: Inconsistencies due to incomplete update requests
938986Oracle Database 9.2: Patches for 9.2.0
147634DB6: Tips and tricks for creating DB2 tablespaces
711245DB2/390: Catalog modifications
830965VBDATA, DDLOG: size and increase in size
652310LBWE: Message MCEX 140 with extract structure change
849693Incomplete updates
822248DB2-z/OS: Growth of the tablespace of table VBDATA
427392DB2/390: Table tuning after the upgrade
499713DB6: Update process dumps with IMPORT_UNEXPECTED_END_OF_DATA
34985IL02/IE02:Lock problems in large object hierarchies