Table SAP A003 - Code taxe

Zone Clé Elément de donnée Type Offset Long. Décimales Table de Contrôle Description
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Mandant
KAPPL X KAPPL CHAR 3 2 0 T681A Application
KSCHL X KSCHA CHAR 5 4 0 T685 Type de condition
ALAND X ALAND CHAR 9 3 0 T005 Pays livreur (pays de départ des marchandises)
MWSKZ X MWSKZ CHAR 12 2 0 Code TVA sur C.A.
KNUMH KNUMH CHAR 14 10 0 Numéro de l'enregistrement condition

1479747Enabling VAT calculation in FB60 as per the standard access
1555418HRALXSYNC: BP-BP relationship is deleted arbitrarily
1480736FF 704 due to empty tax code, FF 716 due to incorr tax code
312090Integration HR - EBP/CRM
1003959Field control: Corrections for various errors
1176307Error message FF 762 for billing documents after note 938458
875270Business partner transfer to SAP GTS with HR-ALE connection
605537Transporting tax codes or deleted tax codes
336547Setting up Integration HR - SEM
827268Update open Orders with new tax codes and recompute taxes
711219Ignore Non-Relevant Tax Codes in Program J_1B_CBT_CONSIST
52852Transporting tax codes between systems
177844Enterprise org., standard hierarchy does not work
109777Planned relations. not possible with BTCI for PP03