Table SAP VKDFS - Index ADV: Index de facturation

Zone Clé Elément de donnée Type Offset Long. Décimales Table de Contrôle Description
MANDT X MANDT CLNT 0 3 0 T000 Mandant
FKTYP X FKTYP CHAR 3 1 0 Catégorie de facture
VKORG X VKORG CHAR 4 4 0 TVKO Organisation commerciale
FKDAT X FKDAT DATS 8 8 0 Date de la facture -> index de facturation et impression
KUNNR X KUNAG CHAR 16 10 0 KNA1 Donneur d'ordre
FKART X FKART CHAR 26 4 0 Type de facture
LLAND X LLAND CHAR 30 3 0 T005 Pays livré
VBELN X VBELN CHAR 33 10 0 Numéro du document commercial
VBTYP VBTYP CHAR 43 1 0 Type de document commercial
ADRNR ADRNR_AG CHAR 44 10 0 Numéro d'adresse du donneur d'ordre
SORTKRI SORTKRI CHAR 54 20 0 Critère de tri
FAKSK FAKSK CHAR 74 2 0 TVFS Blocage des types de factures pour document commercial
VTWEG VTWEG CHAR 76 2 0 TVTW Canal de distribution
SPART SPART CHAR 78 2 0 TSPA Secteur d'activité
VSTEL VSTEL CHAR 80 4 0 Point d'expédition/point de réception
PDSTK PDSTK CHAR 84 1 0 Satut ARL au niveau de l'en-tête
NETWR NETWR CURR 85 15 2 Valeur nette dans la devise du document
WAERK WAERK CUKY 93 5 0 TCURC Devise du document commercial

558444Cross company: Delivery has incorrect billing status (2)
178328Problems due to incorrect user exits in SD
128947Correction of SD document indexes with RVV05IVB
386370Check report for the billing due list (billing index)
505386No display of net values and currencies in VF04
576805Order remains in the billing-due list after billing
508153Billing index update problems
333803User exit for billing index for intercompany billing
497803Incorrect VKDFS entry proposed in diff. invoice cancelation
491979Inactive F&A condition results in incorrect billing due list
481410Error VF009 during creation of intercompany billing
396892DEL-IS-OIL 4.6C: Deleted IS-OIL fields
111813Billing doc: Collective run differs from individual creation
410453VF04: Net value missing in list after cancelling billing doc
301254Creation of billing index
357643Performance bil.doc cancellation - index update
356061Incorrect index compilation caused by own checks
63523User exits for billing index as of Release 3.1G
332435Incomplete billing due list after RVV05IVB (2)
103212Bad performance during SD document update
23154VF04 SAPMV60S: Tuning > Checklist + Notes