Programme SAP WRF_APC_DPAQC_DISPLAY - Display of put away quantity distribution at Charac. Level

Use this program to display a simple list of the results of a putawayquantity distribution.

Putaway quantities are planned in Operational Assortment Planning andControl. There is a function to distribute these quantities tosubsequent rollouts using markdown profiles and the forecasted sales inperiods of fiscal year variants.
This helps you to avoid planning too much initial buy by showing you howmuch quantity you might get from the distribution center usingreplenishment processes during the rollout.

Specify the purchasing list item for which you want to display theputaway quantity distribution results. You can narrow the search basedon:

  • Purchasing List ID

  • Material

  • Presentation Date

  • Value for First Characteristic

  • Value for Second Characteristic

  • Multiple selection is not possible, but you can leave the characteristicvalues blank.

    The output is a simple list.

    Use transaction WRFAPC17 to start this program.