Programme SAP WDK_CREATE_BINDING - Create Kayak context binding

Use the report to complete the binding of the UI elements of yourWebdynpro application to the corresponding Kayak context elements.

The Webdynpro application is created
The application is registered for Kayak (table WDKAPPL in view clusterVC_WDKAPPL, transaction WDK_APPL_REG)
The Webdynpro context for Kayak is generated (programWDK_CONTEXT_CREATE) - including the table WDKFIELDS
The UI elements have been created
The "correct" property of the UI elements was bound to the VALUE contextattribute of the context node representing the corresponding dynprofield of the backend transaction.
The correct property for input fields is "value", for checkboxes it is"checked", for text view elements it is "text" etc.


  • If the binding of the UI properties "visible", "readOnly" and "state" is
  • missing, it is automatically generated, based on the VALUE binding.
    • Possible wrong bindings are corrected or deleted.
    • Selection
      On the selection screen you enter the name of the application thatshould be processed. You can use the F4-help to find the name.

      A tree control displaying following hierarchy:
      -- Used components (the component usages are scanned)
      ---- Views of the components
      ------ UI elements of the view that are bound to a VALUE context element
      -------- Messages referring to the UI element
      For each hierarchy node, you can see the status depending on the statusof the subnodes that finally depends on the messages.
      For each UI element node you can see to which dynpro field, program,dynpro and possibly table control it belongs.
      Each node has a checkbox with following meaning:

      • for the message nodes, it decides whether the message should be
      • processed or not, i.e. if the error causing the message should beautomatically repaired
        • for other nodes:

        • if the node is checked, then all nodes below are checked and locked for(un)checking
          if the node is unchecked, then all nodes below are released for(un)checking
          Some message nodes may be locked for checking even if the super-ordinatenodes are unchecked. This means that the message cannot be repaired dueto current settings (see below). Information messages and fatal errormessages are also always locked for checking.

          Via the settings on the top of the screen you can influence which kindof messages (errors/warnings) should be processed at all:

          • Create Read-Only Binding: if the property "readOnly" is not
          • bound, it will be automatically bound to the READONLY context attribute.
            • Create Visibility Binding: if the property "visible" is not
            • bound, it will be automatically bound to the VISIBLE context attribute.
              • Create State Binding: if the property "state" is not bound, it
              • will be automatically bound to the STATE context attribute.
                • Overwrite Non-Kayak bindings: if the property "visible",
                • "readOnly" or "state" is bound to a non-Kayak element (i.e. outside thenode DO_NOT_CHANGE), then the binding will be overwritten, supposed thatthe "Create Binding" option (see above) for the respectiveUI property isswitched on.
                  • Delete Bindings to Non-Expected Property: if a property different
                  • from "visible", "readOnly" and "state" is bound to the VISIBLE, READONLYor STATE attribute, then this binding will be deleted.
                    • Tables: Delete Non-Datasource Kayak-Bindings: if a table property
                    • different from "dataSource" is bound to a Kayak element (i.e. belowDO_NOT_CHANGE node), then this binding is deleted.

                      Application toolbar

                      • Mark All Errors or Warnings: All error or warning message nodes
                      • are checked and their super-ordinate nodes are expanded.
                        • Unmark Selected: After selecting multiple nodes, all nodes below
                        • the selected nodes will be unchecked. Example: if you select theapplication(i.e. root) node, then all nodes in the tree get unchecked.
                          • Execute Repairs: All checked messages are processed, i.e. the
                          • corresponding bindings are corrected. The changes are immediately savedas inactive version; you will be possibly asked for a correctionrequest. After that you can decide to finish the program or to continue.In any case, the changes are ready to be activated via the objectnavigator (SE80). If you disagree with the changes, you can still returnto the active version.
                            • Hide Settings: the settings on top of the screen will be hidden.

                            • Default Settings: The default settings are restored.
                            • Example

                              Typical Scenario
                              Set default settings, mark all errors or warnings, possibly manuallyadjust the markings and execute the repairs, then leave the program, goto SE80, possibly check and activate the changes

                              Further possible scenarios

                              • You can select "Create Binding" for some properties only

                              • You can check some components/views only
                              • Example - how to repair all elements of a view VX except of the UIelement EY:

                                • Check the view VX

                                • Uncheck the view VX

                                • Select the node corresponding to the UI element EY

                                • Press "Unmark Selected"

                                • Press "Execute Repairs"