The V_SHOW_ALL_DOCS_FOR_GSFNR report selects all documents for abusiness transaction, meaning all documents with the same business casenumber (GSFNR), and displays them even if the documents were posted invarious currencies.
Everyday reinsurance business can include various accounts with the sameaccount number. Reinsurers can use this report to manage accounts likethis together, as they normally form one concluded business transaction,and they can also use it to display all postings that belong to thisaccount or this business transaction, for example.
Business transactions can include:

  • Estimation posting: They payables to be paid in a quarter are
  • estimated and posted. The exact payment takes place in the next quarter.
    • Claim: An event can trigger multiple postings; for example, a
    • hailstorm claim can trigger payments for the auto insurance, and thedamage to the house.

      From the overview, you can branch to document display(transaction FPE3), in which all functions areavailable.

      The V_SHOW_ALL_DOCS_FOR_GSFNR report displays all associated documentsfor an existing GSFNR, with their business partner items and G/L items.

      Specify an existing GSFNR.


      • The system displays all documents belonging to a GSFNR: On the first
      • page you see an overview of the documents with their currencies, on thesecond and third pages the business partner items and the G/L items.
        Double-clicking on the document number branches to the document display,which gives you a detailed display of the appropriate document with itsitems. You can also navigate to the document display by double-clickingon the clearing document number.
        • This displays open and cleared items/documents.

        • Double-clicking on the cleared items document allows you to navigate to
        • the clearing document. This clearing document can be posted in acurrency that differs from that for the cleared item.
          • The system displays receivables as well as payables.

          • The system displays business partner items (FKKOPs) as wel as G/L items
          • (FKKOPKs).