Programme SAP UML_CLASS_DIAGRAM - Generation of UML Class Diagrams

The program UML_CLASS_DIAGRAM is used to generate UML class diagramsautomatically. SAP JNet XML and XML are available as output formats inthe current expansion phase.
UML class diagrams are fundamental utilities for object-orientedanalyses and object-oriented design. Therefore an object-oriented i
mplementation is required to be able to create UML class diagrams. Thistool analyzes global and local implementations of classes, interfaces,data types, and function groups in order to create UML class diagramsfrom the information gathered. In order to accommodate the heterogeneousprogram world in existing development projects, function groups andprograms are treated as global classes and their function modules orform routines as methods.
The UML scanner behaves like a crawler, which goes from type definitionto type definition to get a complete picture. An integrated optimizationfeature limits the data selected and optimizes the formatting in the UMLdiagram. Only data that is in the observer's focus is selected andformatted. All further information is skipped or formatted in a minimumdisplay. For example, a class which is not part of the selection set butis still used as an association of an attribute, is displayed as anempty class. If, however, such a class is a superclass of a classwithin the selection set, then all the characteristics of this class aredisplayed since these are also components of the selected class.

If you want to use SAP Jnet as the output format, then install Jnet onthe user's local PC for the current implementation. For furtherprocessing of XMI data you require a separate tool.

The selection screen is divided into three blocks.
In the first block, you can use selection criteria to delimit the scope.The tool requires you to enter a valid package as a starting point.
In the second block the UML scanner gets instructions. Here you canspecify whether you want to take local implementations into account,analyze data types, and monitor further dependencies (which do notresult automatically from the type interfaces). You can also specify alimit for how many fatal errors occur and for the maximum number oftypes that you want to analyze. A short dump is written for each fatalerror (e.g. syntax error in classes). It can never be suppressed.
In the third block, you can influence the display of UML classdiagrams. A UML diagram with too much detail can be difficult to read.Here you can directly influence the integrated optimizer by specifyingwhich types you want to display with minimum or maximum details or whichtypes you want to completely hide.

You can save the selection screen as a variant with your user name sothat it will load automatically when you restart the program. You canalso save further variants with any names and load these when required.

If you choose Jnet as the output format, the program will try to startthe locally installed SAP Jnet on the user's local PC to show the UMLclass diagram. There are two variants of this; the UML diagram isdisplayed in the SAP GUI either by a control or by a locally installedJNet. For this the JNet control or the JNet program must be installed.
If XMI was chosen as the output format, only one file will be created inXMI format and it will be possible to further handle it manually. Youcan use this file to import the data to a UML tool of your choice. Youcan then edit the data and create customized UML diagrams.