Programme SAP UMG_VOC_MAINTENANCE - Manual Maintenance of the system vocabulary

The program is used to assign languages to a list of words grouped in socalled vocabulary packages. The packages are displayed on the left partof the screen in the tree structure. For a better overview each packageis split itself in smaller parts.
A part of a package can have three different status:
"Initial": no change has been made to the part of the package
"In Process" (Yellow): changes have been done in the part of the package
"Closed" (Green): no further changes have been done in the part of thepackage since the status was set to "Closed" manually
Before the first modification, all parts have the status "Initial". Thestatus "In Process" is set automatically whenever changes have been doneto a package. The status "Closed" has to be set manually by the user.Please note, the status of a part of a package does not have anyinfluence on other the vocabulary maintenance itself. It can be usedonly as a reference for the user to get an overview about the progress athe work.


You can

  • double click on an entry in the tree structure to display a part of a
  • vocabulary package
    • @3X@ set the status to "Closed" for a part of the package which has been
    • marked in the tree structure
      • @42@ refresh the tree structure