Programme SAP UMG_SHOW_UCTABS - Show Unicode Nametab DDNTT_CONVUC

The report UMG_SHOW_UCTABS is used to compare the contents of the nonUnicode nametab DDNTT and Unicode nametab DDNTT_CONV_UC.
It should be used only when preparing a system for the Unicodeconversion. The report does not support the detailed analysis of nametabproblems. It just shows differences between the nametab tables DDNTT andDDNTT_CONV_UC.
The report must not run in a Unicode system. Start the report only afterthe Unicode nametabs have been created completely with report RADCUCNT(SPUMG menu: Extras->Unicode Nametabs->Create Unicode Nametabs).Otherwise the list of objects to be displayed is too large.
Please read note 932779 for general information on nametabs and thehandling of the nametabs during Unicode conversion.

The frame "Statistics" gives an overview about the total number of"inconsistent" objects. There are 3 reasons for an "inconsistency":
Change after generation
The Unicode nametab was created already but an object has been modifiedafterwards (i.e. the length of a table field was changed, a transportrequest was imported, ...) Then the corresponding Unicode nametab entryfor such an object has to be generated again.
Missing in Unicode nametab
The Unicode nametab was created already but an object has been createdafter the last run of report RADCUCNT. Then the corresponding Unicodenametab entry such an object has to be generated.
Unicode length <> 2
The Unicode nametab was created already but for some reason the wrongUnicode length was used for the generation (the correct length is 2 !).
The timestamp "Oldest change in non Unicode nametab" refers to the firstchange of an object after the last run of report RADCUCNT.

Below the statistics frame you find the list of all inconsistentobjects. You can generate the Unicode nametab for these objects bymarking them in the ALV Grid and pressing the "Generate Objects" buttonfrom the application toolbar.
After generation the display will be refreshed.
If the list contains several hundreds or thousands of objects it doesnot make sense to do the generation with UMG_SHOW_UCTABS. Instead youshould rerun report RADCUCNT completely (SPUMG menu: Extras->UnicodeNametabs->Create Unicode Nametabs).
It happens that the Unicode nametabs cannot be generated correctlybecause

  • there are no dictionary sources available

  • the object itself is defined inconsistently in the SAP dictionary

  • In such cases you should check the corresponding objects manually ( transaction SE11) and clarify if the object can be deleted from thenametab.

1307982Unicode nametab entries cannot be created
1428028Unicode Conversion: check nametabs report UMG_CHECK_NAMETABS
1373611Unknown type in report UMG_SHOW_UCTAB during generation
978244CU&UC and NameTab errors for pools or clusters