Programme SAP UMG_SET_SPECIAL_SETTINGS - Set special SPUMG settings

The report is used to set special SPUMG options which are used tocontrol SPUMG and R3load during a database export. The options availablehere cannot be set within SPUMG. Some of the options might be set byother tools than SPUMG involved in the Unicode conversion preparation.By default none of the options is set.

On the selection screen you can either

  • show all options currently set (radio button "Show") or

  • modify a special option (radio button "Modify") by entering the option
  • and value into the corresponding input fields
    Description of the options
    Option UC_EXPORT
    Currently known values
    N non Unicode and Unicode database exports are allowed
    U only Unicode database exports are allowed
    The value 'N' is active if the option is not set.
    Option TOO_SHORT
    Currently known values
    FALLBACK Use the global fall back code page, if a recordcontains a word, which is too short
    IGNORE use the selected code page, if a record contains a wordwhich is too short and if all other words of that record have assignedthe same code page
    The value 'FALLBACK' is active if the option is not set.
    This option controls the handling of R3load for container tables of type"J" and "E". Values of 2 or higher request that the correspondingfeature is implemented in R3load.
    Currently known values
    1 All container tables defined with type "J" and "E" are handledas type "I" and "D" container tables
    2 Handle the container tables of type "J" and "E" as defined inUMGCONTAINER
    The value '2' is active if the option is not set.
    This option controls the handling of R3load for container tables of type"K" and "L". Values of 1 or higher request that the correspondingfeature is implemented in R3load.
    Currently known values
    1 Tables defined as container tables of type "K" and "L" will beexported as defined in UMGCONTAINER
    If the option is not set the database can be converted also by olderversions of R3load. In such a case container types "K" and "L" must notbe used in UMGCONTAINER.
    Option CD_NU_FORMAT_S
    This option is used to define the different types of CDPOS records innon Unicode database. The option set automatically by other tools usedfor the preparation of the Unicode conversion of table CDPOS.
    Currently known values
    4 All records in CDPOS have an old format (4.6D and older)
    6 All records in CDPOS have a new format (6.10 and younger)
    M In CDPOS there is a mixture of records having the old and newformat
    0 All records were created in a Unicode system and there have thenew format
    The default value is M if the option is not set.
    Option CD_NU_FORMAT_T
    This option is a time stamp and indicates the last update of the optionCD_NU_FORMAT_S. The format of the time stamp is YYYYMMDDhhmmss. Itshould never be modified by this report.
    Option UMGNTCD6_S
    This option indicates the status of the tool used for the preparation ofthe UMGNTCD6 nametab table.
    Currently known values
    N The preparation of table UMGNTCD6 is incomplete. R3load willreject the database export.
    K The preparation of table UMGNTCD6 is complete.
    If the option is not set R3load will cancel the export if containertables of type "K" or "L" exist in UMGCONTAINER.
    Option UMGNTCD6_T
    This option is a time stamp and indicates the last update of the optionUMGNTCD6_S. The format of the time stamp is YYYYMMDDhhmmss. It shouldnever be modified by this report.
    During the SPUMG scans "Tables without Language Info" and "Tables withAmbiguous Language Info" the number of occurrences of words is countedfor each table. This option specifies the maximum number of words whichare stored on database. If the option is not set the default is 500,that is only the 500 most frequent words of a table are stored.
    Only integer numbers are allowed as value.

662215SPUMG and SUMG in Basis Release 6.20, 6.40 and 7.0X