Programme SAP UMG_MAINTAIN_VOC_FILES - Maintain VOC files used by SPUMG

(SAP internal use only)
Report UMG_MAINTAIN_VOC_FILES is used maintain an External Vocabularyand used to prepare it for the release for note 756535 and note 1129173.
The report is based on the External Vocabulary screen of transactionSPUMG with the following differences:

  • you can use any non Unicode language for language assignments

  • there is an additional button "VOC files" in the toolbar of the ALV
  • grid, visible only in SAP internal systems
    The report can be executed only
    • if you have SPUMG_CHANGE authorization (role SAP_UMG_ADMIN_ALL is
    • sufficient)
      • in SAP internal systems

      • in non Unicode systems

      • if you have an exclusive lock in the UMG testers table

      • When starting the report you get a selection screen in which you canspecify selection options for the External Vocabulary. This wasintroduced to prevent long delays for huge vocabularies during startupof the report (you can click "Cancel" so that no selection is done andyou can continue with actions in which a display of words is notrequired).
        The standard buttons in the toolbar (visible in SPUMG also) aredescribed in the online help (information icon in the ALV Grid toolbar).The special features of the "VOC Files" button are
        1. Consistency Check
        The current contents of the External Vocabulary are checked forinconsistencies. This involves
        • check of the FILLEDBY flag

        • check of the OWNER flag

        • check for invalid languages

        • check for language collisions (same word, different language)

        • A log is displayed for each of the checks.
          2. Preparation for Note 756535
          The current content if the External Vocabulary is modified:
          • the owner flag is set to 'S' for all records

          • the table name is set to <$DUMMYTABLE$> for all records

          • the FILLEDBY flag is set to 'V' (Vocabulary Import)

          • In this procedure it can happen that existing word duplicates aredeleted. Currently there is no defined handling for word duplicateshaving a language collision. Therefore make sure to remove languagecollisions before the preparation of the vocabulary for note 756535.
            3. Preparation for Note 1129173
            The current content if the External Vocabulary is modified:
            • the owner flag is set to 'S' for all records

            • the FILLEDBY flag is set to 'V' (Vocabulary Import)

            • In this procedure it can happen that existing word duplicates aredeleted. (same as for the preparation of note 756535).
              4. Add Single Words
              The report UMG_ADD_EXTERNAL_VOCABULARY is executed which allows to addsingle words manually to the External Vocabulary.
              5. Compare VOC files
              You get the file open dialog where you have to select .VOC files. Thefile open dialog opens twice. You can select several VOC files at once.A comparison of all differences between the selected files is done. Tryto avoid comparing files which are completely different. The resultinglog will be to large to be displayed in the text edit control.
              Please note: the features have been implemented in a way thatperformance should be acceptable but with a high memory consumption. Ifyou get a *NO_MEMORY* dump try to find a server with sufficient memory.