Programme SAP UMG_INSERT_CONTAINER - Insert or modify entries in UMGCONTAINER

The report UMG_INSERT_CONTAINER is used to modify entries of tableUMGCONTAINER. The table contains information about tables and tablefields which have an implicit substructure (container fields). Suchcontainer fields are handled by SPUMG and R3load according to theinformation in UMGCONTAINER.

The main screen shows the table contents of table UMGCONTAINER. Thetable field of UMGCONTAINER are:

  • Owner: Specifies the owner of the entry (S = SAP, C = Customer).
  • SAP entries cannot be modified in customer systems. But customer entrieshave a higher priority than SAP entries. So it is possible to overwritean SAP entry by a corresponding customer entry.
    • Table Name: Specifies the table which contains a container field
    • or a structure which is used as reference structure.
      • Container: Specifies the table field which is used as container
      • field.
        • Type: Possible values are:

        • Indirect (I): The container fields has a substructure which is definedduring runtime by the field contents of the table field specified in"Structure Reference".
          Indirect Key (J): Like type I but only the key part of the structurereference is taken into account.
          Direct (D): The container field has the substructure as defined in thefield "Underlying Structure" for all data records.
          Direct Key (E): Like type D but only the key part of the structurereference is taken into account.
          Reference (R): The structure defined in the field "Table Name" isreplaced by the structure defined in the field "Underlying Structure".
          • Underlying Structure: Structure which defines the substructure of
          • the container field specified in the field "Container".
            • Structure Reference: Table field name which holds the structure
            • definition for the container field.
              • Log Type: If structures of container fields are not known during
              • the SPUMG scans, log messages are written in the SPUMG main log. The logtype specify the type of the log. Possible values are:
                None (N): Write no log.
                Error, Warning, Information: (E/W/I): Writes an Error / Warning or Infomessage in the SPUMG main log.
                Use the "Create", "Edit" or "Delete" buttons to modify the entries ofUMGCONTAINER. Several checks are done before the entry is stored ondatabase.

1255556Unicode conversion preparation: Container table DBTABLOG
984965R3load crashes on container with structure without fields
977372Dependencies corrupt after unicode conversion