This report is used to archive and display important data of thetransactions SPUMG and SUMG. These data were used and created duringthe preparation and the post-processing of a Unicode conversion. Thefollowing data are stored:

  • Language List

  • Ambiguous Language List

  • SPUMG Main Log

  • Export Control Table

  • SPUMG Settings

  • Common Character Set

  • Common Separators

  • Codepages used to define the Common Character Set and Common Separators

  • SUMG
    • Worklist of SUMG

    • SUMG Main Log

    • The data are archived in two steps:
      Directly after the conversion of a system, you have to run this reportand save the conversion history of SPUMG. Otherwise you are not allowedto execute the transactions SPUMG and SUMG.
      If you do a "Reset All" in transaction SUMG, the data of SUMG areautomatically saved.

      After starting the report you see the main screen which is devided intothree parts:
      In the top left corner there are several buttons:
      @2L@ Save History: This button is enabled only after the conversion of anon Unicode system to Unicode if no SPUMG data are archived before.After clicking the button SPUMG data are stored on the database. Thetree 'Unicode Conversion History' is updated. The save button will bedisabled.
      @10@ Display : Displays the contents of the archived data in the rightpart of the screen. Please select first an entry from the list.Alternatively you can simply double click on a list entry of the tree toget the same information.
      @0S@ Help: Display this screen.
      The lower left corner of the screen consist of a list of all data whichare archived yet. Double click on an entry to display the contents inthe right part of the screen.
      The right part of the screen is used to display the archived data

1128457Additional post conversion program UMG_SAVE_HISTORY