Programme SAP UMG_EXECUTE_HINT_FOR_REPLOG - Execute hints on Reprocess Logs

The program UMG_EXECUTE_HINT_FOR_REPLOG can be used to executevocabulary hints on Reprocess Logs. It checks if a condition defined fora hint(word list) applies to the records in a Reprocess Log. If so, therecord is analyzed and the result can be used to

  • assign the hint language of the hint to the record

  • assign the hint language of the hint to words in the system vocabulary
  • found in a record

    Show all available hints
    You get a list of all hints which can be applied to tables in the worklist of the Reprocess scan. A hint can be applied only if the table namein the Reprocess scan is the source table of the word list(condition)used for that hint. The list contains the table name, the hint ID andthe language ("Correct Language") assigned to the hint.
    Execute all available hints
    All available hints are executed. Use the option "Show all availablehints" to get an overview about hints to be processed by this report.
    Select by hints
    Use this option to select single or several hints to be executed.Possible tables are selected automatically from the worklist of theReprocess scan.
    Select by tables
    Use this option to selected single or several tables to be processed.The selection refers to tables in the work list of the Reprocess scan.The selection of hints is done for each table automatically according tothe wordlist(condition) definitions.
    Use results for
    There are two options for the use of the results of the analysis

    • Vocabulary (default checked on)

    • If a condition of a hint matches a record in the Reprocess Log all wordsare extracted from this record. At the end the list of words is comparedwith the SPUMG system vocabulary and corresponding words get assignedthe language of the hint.
      Depending on the definition of a hint the language assignment is donefor all tables in the vocabulary (hint table = '*') or for a specifictables only (hint table = ).
      Only words which have no language assignment get assigned a language.The "Filled By" flag is set to "L = Hint on Reprocess Log".
      • Reprocess Log (default checked off)

      • If a condition of a hint matches a record in the Reprocess Log therecord gets assigned the language of the hint. Only records with nolanguage assignment get assigned a language

        After processing you get details about the number of Reprocess Logrecords which have been processed and the number of words in the systemvocabulary which got assigned a language.

        • only tables with status "Consistent" or "Warning" can be processed

        • tables having key fields with data types "DEC" (packed numbers) or
        • "FLTP" (floating point numbers) cannot be processed because the numbersare stored in the Reprocess Logs in such a way that they cannot bereused in dynamic SQL calls
          • tables split up in packages (ending with the pattern <(><<)>XX>) cannot
          • be processed. Use the "physical" table name instead.