Programme SAP UMG_DISPLAY_WORD_COUNT - Display Results for Word Count

During the scans for Tables without Language Information (WOL)and Tables with Ambiguous Language Information (WAL) anadditional word count action is performed. 'Word count' means that alloccurrences of a word per table arecounted and stored to the database. With this information, it ispossible to maintain the System Vocabulary much more efficiently in caseyou encounter a memory overflow or the short dump "EXPORT_TOO_MUCH_DATA"during the Reprocess scan.
The program UMG_DISPLAY_WORD_COUNT can be used to display the results.

On the entrance screen, you can choose one of the following options:

Overview of Critical Tables
A list of tables with the number of affected rows in the WOL or WAL scanwill be displayed. You can use this option to get a quick overview ofthe tables which might get a large Reprocess Log.

Result for Selected Tables
It is not possible to display the word count results for all tables inone single action because of memory and screen limitations. Thereforeyou can use this option to limit the selection to special tables andnumber of hits per word. You will get a list of tables together with theactual words and the number of hits for those words in this table.
In addition, you will get the number of words which were counted forthis table. This number is limited to 500 in order to preventperformance issues. This means that not all words are counted, but onlythose with the highest number of hits in this table. If necessary, youcan change this limitation using report UMG_SET_SPECIAL_SETTINGS, optionMAXNUM_WORD_COUNT.