Programme SAP UMG_CORRECT_CDPOS - Correct records in CDPOS which have the dagger symbol

The report is used to correct records in table CDPOS which have the"dagger" symbol (long cross) in the field CDPOS-TABKEY. The daggersymbol can be created during Unicode conversions which have been donewith the Combined Upgrade<(>&<)>Unicode Conversion (CU<(>&<)>UC)procedure with source release 4.6C.

On the selection screen you can select one of the actions
Create Statistics
Show Statistics
Correction based on Statistics
Correction based on Selection
Create Statistics
The change documents in table CDPOS are grouped by so called "objectclasses". Each object class refers further to structures defined in theSAP dictionary. The dagger symbol can exist only the structurescontaining non character like data types.
A statistics has to be created to restrict the selection so thataffected structures are taken into account only. The statistics iscreated only once and is stored on database. Each selection is based onthe statistics.
Show Statistics
Outputs the statistics on an ABAP list. The statistics shows the objectclasses (CDPOS-OBJECTCLAS) and the structures (CDPOS-TABNAME) of recordswhich can contain the dagger symbol.
Correction based on Statistics
Once the statistics was created the correction can be done for allrecords in CDPOS. The correction is done for all object classes andstructures listed in the statistics if necessary. The correction doesnot depend on the client.
Correction based on Selection
If you select this option you can enter your own select options forrecords in CDPOS.
Please note that the statistics has to be created also for thecorrection of freely selected records.

How to proceed
First, create the statistics
This can be done in dialog mode.
Run the "Correction based on Statistics"
This has to be done in background. Therefore create an appropriatevariant and save it. Schedule a background job using this variant. Theruntime of the correction depends on the size of table CDPOS andworkload in the system. Try to do the correction when there is a lowworkload.
If you want to do the correction for a few or single records only youshould use the option "Correction based on Selection". Try to define thekey value as good as possible.