Programme SAP UMG_CONVERT_SPOOL - Spool Conversion

Conversion of ABAP Lists spool requests from non-Unicode to Unicode
codepage. ONLY ABAP Lists spool requests might be converted. It's better
to launch a conversion in background, in case of large spool requests
(about 10000 lines and more). There might be a problem with VERY large
spool requests (180000 lines and more).

selection of spool requests numbers and usernames. at least one of
those parameters should be specified.

The converted data is written to same spool request, the copy of
original request is created and it's number is displayed at results

1047561UMG_CONVERT_SPOOL: Repeated lines in lists
901004Conversion of ABAP spool requests to Unicode.
842767Problems with old spool requests after Unicode conversion
1111967UMG_CONVERT_SPOOL in Non-Unicode system
1051174UMG_CONVERT_SPOOL: Incorrect backup copies
1048431UMG_CONVERT_SPOOL and upgrade of Release 4.5B