Programme SAP UMG_ANALYZE_REPLOG - Detailed analysis of a Reprocess Log

The report is part of the Unicode conversion tool SPUMG. It is usedduring the preparation for the Unicode conversion to analyze thecontents of a Reprocess Log.

Parameter "Table Name": you can enter a single table name forwhich the Reprocess Log should be analyzed.
Parameter "Maximum Number":
This option is used to avoid huge ABAP lists. By default only the 200words which occur most often in the Reprocess Log are shown as result.

How to use
As soon as a table has been processed in the Reprocess Scan you can usethe report to analyze the Reprocess Log. When starting the report youget the statistics about the composition of the Reprocess Log order by"Reason". Use the glasses icon to display details for a "Reason".Dependent on the selected "Reason" the detailed statistics contains

  • the words and their number of occurrences in the Reprocess Log (Reason
  • 01, 03 ,08)
    • the words and their number of occurrences in the Reprocess Log together
    • with the language assigned in the vocabulary (Reason 02 - conversioncollision)
      Follow up actions
      • Reason 01: Use report UMG_ADD_WORDS_FROM_REPLOG to add the missing words
      • to the SPUMG system vocabulary. Assign a language if possible.
        • Reason 03: Select the words in the SPUMG system vocabulary and assign a
        • language if possible
          • Reason 08: in general you cannot do anything here. Reason 08 - "Word too
          • short" - can occur if the SPUMG option "Minimum Word Length" is greaterthan 1.
            • Reason 02: Select the words in the SPUMG system vocabulary and try to
            • remove the incompatible language assignments.

              • For all selections in the vocabulary make sure that you restrict theselection to the table analyzed here.
                • There is no container handling applied to texts stored in the Reprocess
                • Log. For tables having container fields it is possible that wordsdisplayed in the results do not match exactly the words stored in thevocabulary.

662215SPUMG and SUMG in Basis Release 6.20, 6.40 and 7.0X
1417727New version of report UMG_ANALYZE_REPLOG