Programme SAP UMG_ADD_WORDS_FROM_REPLOG - Retrieve words from the Reprocess Log and put it into the vocabulary

The report can be used to extract words from the Reprocess Log of atable which are then inserted into the SPUMG system vocabulary.

Selection option "Tables"
The report selects all tables from the worklist of the SPUMG scan"Reprocess" for which the scan has been finished successfully and whichmatch the selection option "Tables".
Selection option "Reason"
The report selects all entries of a Reprocess Log which match theselection option "Reason" (use F4 help to see for possible values).
Parameter "Assign Language if possible"
It is possible that a language has been assigned to the Reprocess Logentries. If this option is checked on and words are added to the systemvocabulary the language of the Reprocess Log entry is assigned to thewords originating from the entry.

Additional information

  • Reprocess Logs can be processed only if there is no lock set

  • the report writes an action log on an ABAP list. Such a log can be very
  • large if many tables are selected and the Reprocess Logs are big. Insuch a case you should process the tables with the biggest ReprocessLogs individually
    • the action log contains all words which should be inserted into the
    • system vocabulary. It does not display the words which have actuallybeen inserted, i.e. it can happen that words exist already in thevocabulary from a previous run). You can check the changes to the systemvocabulary by selecting words according to the date/time of change(execution time of the report) and by the "FILLED BY" flag which is setto "D - Word was added manually"
      • the Reprocess Logs are not modified by the report

      • if a word is found several times in a Reprocess Log and a language
      • should be assinged then the first assignment found is taken over in thesystem vocabulary
        • it is possible that an entry in the Reprocess Log does not contain all
        • words existing in the database record. When the Reprocess Log is builtthe collection of words stops after 500 characters
          • the Reprocess Log contains only text up to a length of 30 characters.
          • The contents of table fields longer than 30 characters are truncated
            • the container handling cannot be applied to the text data in the
            • Reprocess Log because the Reprocess Log does not contain any informationabout the origin of the texts (the DDIC field info is not stored inReprocess Log)
              • Existing words in the system vocabulary will not be touched by the
              • report. Words can be added only once.
                • Words with reason "08 - Word too short" cannot be added. By definition a
                • short word is shorter than the "Minimum Word Length" defined in theSPUMG settings. Such words must not be inserted in the SPUMG systemvocabulary.

662215SPUMG and SUMG in Basis Release 6.20, 6.40 and 7.0X
1497794SPUMG: Adding words from the Reprocess Log to the Vocabulary