Purpose The report is used to add words to the SPUMG vocabulary. On the selection screen you can select one of the following actions:
- Add words from files
The upload of files is done via front end. You can upload files whichhave to have the same file format as the files created during thedownload of the external vocabulary (suffix .voc)
- Add single words
You can add single words to the SPUMG system vocabulary by using thisoption. You have to specify the table name, the word and the language. Please note:
- words can be added only if the assigned table exist in the work list of
the Consistency Check
- existing language assignments in the SPUMG vocabulary are not
- words with a length less than the "Minimum Word Length"(SPUMG settings)
can be added but they are not taken into account during the SPUMG scan"Reprocess" or the database export. You have to ensure that the "MinimumWord Length" is set correctly.